Documents of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information Dissemination in the Post-9/11/01 Environment Presentation to the GPO Depository Council Meeting Mobile, AL April 23, 2002 Ramifications of 9/11/01 * Concerns about nuclear-related facilities as possible targets * Concerns about plant security from the public and the utilities * Concerns about information availability Systematic Agency Review Of Publicly Available Documents * NRC web shut down on 10/11/01 * Review of document requests given to PDR librarians * Assistance from NRC technical staff * Monitored access to collections in the PDR Consequences of the Web Site Shutdown for the PDR * Calls from former LPDR/FDLP librarians seeking guidance from the PDR staff * Calls from utilities that own nuclear power plants requesting help * Calls from the public looking for previously available information; calls and e-mails doubled * Increased use of ADAMS, NRC's full text document management system for current documents plus selected retrofit files NRC Web Site Returned on October 17, 2001 * Content previously available is continuing to be reviewed * As the reviews progress, content is being added incrementally * Major releases deployed in early 2002 NRC Documents in the Public Domain * The NRC may recall some documents if it is believed that the contents of a document may pose a security threat * The NRC may issue redacted versions of some documents * Guidance from the NRC to FDLP libraries will be through the Superintendent of Documents Status of the Review of NRC Information * NRC Web Site is being Restored in increments as the former contents are reviewed * Documents are still available in ADAMS * Policy Decisions are being deliberated * Establishment of the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response to consolidate and streamline NRC's security, safeguards, and incident response activities and resources The NRC and Access to Its Documents * A tradition of over 25 years of making some 2.5 million documents available to the public: – At headquarters public document room – Former local public document rooms – On FedWorld – On the NRC web page – Participation in the FDLP depository program – And now through ADAMS and the Public Interface Prototype (PIP)! The Release of Information to the Public * NRC makes information available to the public allowing stakeholders to participate in NRC's regulatory process. * Historically its intent has been to automatically make information available that is of interest to the public without the need to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Assistance for Librarians The PDR is Ready to Assist Librarians If They Have Questions 1-800-397-4209 or