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@elecnix oui, une theorie a tester. j'utilise aussi les algos pour un service web qui va bientot etre annonce ;)
ouch: Query OK, 1408395 rows affected (1 hour 12 min 4.71 sec) Rows matched: 1408395 Changed: 1408395 Warnings: 0
listening to Johnny Clegg; it always cheers me up
@millette "example workflow" at bottom of page has an unnecessary branch creation - consider that page suspect
@millette git certainly has cherry-picking. it's a sensible move!
videotron calling to see if I'm satisfied with their service, 1 week after I cancel. their funniest FAIL to date
while the #coalition will be preparing an alternative budget, maybe the #ccpa can get leverage
wow, paypal is so full of FAIL
WHAT? GG agrees to suspend parliament!?!?
frying cpu again, indexing mysql table
@heri si tu vas a Madagascar, t'as interet a me rapporter de belles feves de cacao! :)
all my #mysql tables are MyISAM. stopping server and deleting an 11 gig (!!!!) ibdata1 file, hoping I won't crash things
@heri so what are you asking @santa? I say we should all ask for socks and VC money!
@heri you meanie, @santa will be bringing @evan socks and all you'll get is a piece of coal!
tempered the last of the Madagascar, wondering if I should roast the Papua New Guinea beans today
@evan "In case you forgot, you can see the text of your notice here:" why aren't you copying the 140 chars in the email? :O
une culture se vit et se reconstruit. ce qu'on defend c'est du folklore, une identite imaginaire qui permet d'hair les anglos sans gene
new MSFT ad has typo: "A PC without Office 2007 / is like a box without a present" s/present/fruitcake
wow, conservative bloggers are pissed that parliament could work
need recipe sites that do not suck #lazyweb