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@Malarkey I’d imagine Mongolians did, for starters…
resorts to tomato soup with added Mexican hot sauce.
is trying to work out what to have for lunch. Nothing in the house appeals.
loves Numb3rs, if only for the relationship between Don and Charlie.
@bryanveloso How about my baby, Notably, the listings section.
is in a cold, cold car, waiting for it to defrost.
@stephalicious Works for me, and means I don’t have to wonder what I’m missing! :D
want kill all.
@Malarkey What d’you mean ‘getting’? I always felt that way about you ;)
@Si It's nice to know my contributions are valued!
is up and about, and fully expects this day to be a fucker.
got distracted by writing stuff and talking to @kurafire. Heading to bed now.
is just about to leave the office. lolmas fail++.
suspects death is owed to many, many people at this point.
@kjscotland Maybe to/from London, but from my home it’s a bus-train-train 3 hour journey.
kinda wishes he didn’t have such a slog to get to Brighton; that way, he’d be more willing to come visit for parties and suchlike :(
got Christmas on his fingers.
@msjen No idea now, if at all, I'm afraid: the trip was canned by Y! due to organizational nonsense.


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