Stamford to Receive More Than $1,750,000 for Affordable Housing and Public Services
October 6, 2006

WASHINGTON- Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) announced today that Stamford will receive $1.75 million from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME programs to aid community development and affordable housing programs for low-income residents in the city.

“Connecticut's neediest residents deserve a roof over their heads, not a ceiling over their dreams,” Dodd said. “This assistance will not only help build better, more affordable homes, but will provide the support these families need as they pursue home ownership - and, ultimately, a brighter future.”

“This funding will help to improve the quality of life and the availability of affordable housing for Stamford’s residents,” Lieberman said. “I'm especially pleased that these funds are targeted to some of our most vulnerable residents, including the working poor, the homeless, and the elderly.”

The CDBG program, which is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, was created in 1974.  CDBG provides resources for community development projects that benefit low- and middle-income residents.  These projects can include support for local health and senior services, housing rehabilitation, and improvements to parks and public facilities. President Bush in the past has tried to eliminate funding for the CDBG program and fold it into a new block grant within the Department of Commerce.  This year the President has proposed to cut funding for this important program by almost 25%.  Senators Dodd and Lieberman, along with other colleagues in the Senate, have successfully fought to keep the CDBG program alive and adequately funded.

The HOME allocations will help expand the supply of decent, affordable housing to low- and very low-income families by providing grants to state and local governments to fund housing initiatives that meet local needs and priorities.
