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Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents
The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration and contains statements, messages, and other Presidential materials released by the White House during the preceding week.

Weekly Compilation documents from 1993 to the present can be found by performing key word searches using the boxes below. Beginning with the 2001 database, you can also select or "click on" documents by browsing the weekly table of contents.

Maximum Records Returned: Default is 40. Maximum is 200.

Search Terms:

The online edition of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is currently under development as a pilot project jointly authorized by the publisher, the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Printing Office (GPO). Its purpose is to provide the public with enhanced access to Presidential documents. We invite your suggestions for improvements to the search/navigation capabilities and the visual presentations.

To search the entire contents of this database, enter search terms in the space above. Phrases must be in quotation marks (" "). The operators ADJ (adjacent), AND, OR and NOT can be used, but must be in capital letters. For example: "news conference" AND Spain. Word roots can be searched using an asterisk (*) following the word stem. For example: extradit* will receive both extradite and extradition. Helpful Hints provide instructions for searching the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents.


This document is sponsored by the Office of the Federal Register,
National Archives and Records Administration on the
United States Government Printing Office web site.

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