News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Murray Votes for Joint Funding Resolution that Invests in Critical National Priorities

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

(Washington D.C.) - U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) today issued the following statement on Senate passage of the Fiscal Year 2007 Joint Funding Resolution. The Resolution will fund the vast majority of federal agencies through September 30th of this year. The Resolution was passed by a vote of 81-15.

"I am glad that today the Senate finally stood up and passed the Joint Funding Resolution. This necessary step extends critically important government services and begins our effort to pick up the pieces of the Republicans' broken fiscal policies.

"This Resolution invests in critical national priorities such as health care for our veterans and troops, law enforcement, education, transportation safety, and housing. It also remedies many of the shortfalls that would have forced agencies and departments to cut services and personnel if government was to continue to operate under the Republican-passed Continuing Resolution.

"This Resolution is far from perfect, and in too many cases will cause financial pain for important programs. While most funding levels were frozen at Administration spending levels from last fiscal year, there were several funding increases included in this bill that will have a real impact on the lives of millions of Americans. These include increases in funding to keep air traffic controllers and railroad, pipeline, and truck safety inspectors on their jobs protecting our security. It contains increases for housing programs that will keep vulnerable families from being forced onto the streets. And it contains an increase in COPS grants that fund local law enforcement efforts to fight meth and gangs. Without these improvements Americans would have suffered the consequences of a federal government unprepared to deal with their needs.

"This bill in no way solves the many budgetary problems and challenges we face as a nation. It is instead an honest assessment of our responsibilities to the American people at a time when we must change course from the irresponsible practices of the past.

"The Republican Leadership of the last Congress left a fiscal mess at the end of last year. Today's action is an important first step toward cleaning that mess and providing a better future for our citizens. I look forward to working with Appropriations Chairman Byrd so that we are no longer forced to make funding decisions with our backs against the wall and to ensure that the needs of Washington state residents and all Americans are best represented in the annual appropriations process."
