Strengthening our Military

2/17/06: Dodd Calls on Pentagon to Protect Troops with Body Armor

February 17, 2006
Calls Implementation of Body Armor Reimbursement Initiative “Inadequate”

Washington, DC – Responding to the Department of Defense’s announcement of new regulations to extend the reimbursement of military personnel for body armor and equipment purchases, Senator Chris Dodd criticized the Defense Department in a letter to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld today. The letter highlights the continuing equipment shortfalls for U.S. troops serving in harm’s way and urgently requests that the Department address the inadequate implementation of the reimbursement initiative in accordance with the law.

2/17/06: Dodd Calls for Military Pay Raise

February 17, 2006
Says President’s Proposed 2.2 Percent Increase Is Inadequate

WASHINGTON, DC – In a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Chris Dodd and nine of his Senate colleagues urged that a pay increase for America’s military personnel be included in the President’s FY2007 budget. The President’s budget specifies a 2.2% increase – the smallest pay raise for our military since 1994.

2/13/06: Floor Statement of Senator Christopher J. Dodd: Retain Veterans’ and Military Health Funds in the Tax Reconciliation Bill

February 13, 2006

Remarks as prepared.

Mr. President, I send a motion to the desk and ask for its immediate consideration.

2/06/06: Statement of Senator Chris Dodd on the President’s Proposed Defense Budget

February 6, 2006

“Many of our nation’s critical defense programs are made in Connecticut and this budget reflects their importance in our national defense. After initial review, funding for the F-22, Joint Strike Fighter and Blackhawk Helicopters seem encouraging. I plan to consult with Armed Forces leaders to ensure that the funding levels are adequate to meet our military’s needs. I remain concerned that the current budget does not lay the groundwork to produce two submarines a year. As other nations are building up their own submarine fleets, it is essential that we make critical investments to ramp up our own submarine production to maintain the United States’ naval superiority throughout the world.”

2/03/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Quadrennial Defense Review

February 3, 2006

Washington, DC – Senator Dodd made the following statement regarding the release of the Quadrennial Defense Review – a Congressionally mandated review of defense strategy, programs and policies conducted by the Department of Defense every four years.

“The Quadrennial Defense Review puts the military on record as recognizing that building one sub a year is insufficient and harms our military readiness. The Navy has continued to push these target dates back so I intend to press the Navy to increase submarine production immediately because we can’t afford to wait. Building two submarines a year immediately protects both our national security and our submarine industrial base. We simply can’t allow layoffs to go forward because we’d lose the cutting edge expertise and skills our nation needs in the 21st century.”

1/19/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on Navy Secretary Winter Visit

January 19, 2006

"Sub Base New London and Electric Boat's workforce provide 'one stop shopping' for our nation when it comes to submarines. It's critically important that both remain vibrant and viable in the 21st century. Our nation's security depends upon it. So I commend the Secretary of the Navy for coming to Southeastern Connecticut to see how both act in concert to fulfill our nation's submarine needs. But this should be considered a first step, and not the last. I intend to continue to press the Bush Administration and the Navy to immediately increase submarine production because it is clear that our nation needs more submarines - and not less. We simply can't afford to continue to allow our submarine industrial base - which are the skilled workers at Electric Boat - to be lost."

1/11/06: Dodd Announces Legislation to Address DOD's Failure to Adequately Protect Troops

January 11, 2006
CONNECTICUT – Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today announced his intention to introduce legislation to establish a legal requirement that the Department of Defense (DoD) provide the most complete personal body armor protection to military personnel serving in combat operations. In making the announcement, he noted with grave concern a New York Times story of a secret DoD study which reportedly found that the military failed to provide adequate body armor for troops, potentially resulting in unnecessary casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.

1/09/06: Dodd, Lieberman Announce $85 Million Contract for Electric Boat

January 9, 2006
Washington, DC - Senators Dodd and Lieberman today announced that the Navy has awarded an $85 million contract to Electric Boat for work on the attack submarine USS TEXAS.

11/18/05: Dodd, Lieberman Announce Critical Funding for Sub Base New London

$4.6 Million Included in House-Senate Appropriations Agreement for Indoor Crane Facility
November 18, 2005
WASHINGTON - Keeping their promise to ensure that Sub Base New London remains the

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