GAO Month in Review March 2008

About the Month in Review

The Month in Review is a comprehensive list of all reports, testimony, correspondence, and other publications issued by GAO during the previous month, grouped according to subject categories.

Top 10 list

Budget and Spending

Making Tough Budget Choices to Create a Better Future
GAO-08-604CG, March 12, 2008
Principles of Federal Appropriations Law: Annual Update of the Third Edition
GAO-08-450SP, March 13, 2008
The Nation's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook: January 2008 Update
GAO-08-591R, March 21, 2008
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Business, Industry, and Consumers

Telecommunications: FCC Has Made Some Progress in the Management of Its Enforcement Program but Faces Limitations, and Additional Actions Are Needed
GAO-08-125, February 15, 2008
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Disconnected Youth: Federal Action Could Address Some of the Challenges Faced by Local Programs That Reconnect Youth to Education and Employment
GAO-08-313, February 28, 2008
District of Columbia Public Schools: While Early Reform Efforts Tackle Critical Management Issues, a District-Wide Strategic Education Plan Would Help Guide Long-Term Efforts
GAO-08-549T, March 14, 2008
Native Hawaiian Education Act: Greater Oversight Would Increase Accountability and Enable Targeting of Funds to Areas with Greatest Need
GAO-08-422, March 25, 2008
No Child Left Behind Act: Education Actions Could Improve the Targeting of School Improvement Funds to Schools Most in Need of Assistance
GAO-08-380, February 29, 2008
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Advanced Energy Technologies: Budget Trends and Challenges for DOE's Energy R&D Program
GAO-08-556T, March 5, 2008
Utility Oversight: Recent Changes in Law Call for Improved Vigilance by FERC
GAO-08-289, February 25, 2008
Utility Oversight: Survey of State Public Utility Commissions on Utility Commission Authorities and Reporting Responsibilities For Overseeing Utilities Since the Passage of EPAct 2005 (GAO-08-290SP, February 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-289
GAO-08-290SP, February 25, 2008
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Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection: EPA Needs to Ensure That Best Practices and Procedures Are Followed When Making Further Changes to Its Library Network
GAO-08-304, February 29, 2008
Environmental Protection: EPA Needs to Follow Best Practices and Procedures When Reorganizing Its Library Network
GAO-08-579T, March 13, 2008
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Financial Institutions

Bank Fees: Federal Banking Regulators Could Better Ensure That Consumers Have Required Disclosure Documents Prior to Opening Checking or Savings Accounts
GAO-08-281, January 31, 2008
U.S. Coins: The Federal Reserve Banks Are Fulfilling Coin Demand, but Optimal Inventory Ranges Are Undefined
GAO-08-401, March 21, 2008
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Financial Management

Financial Audit: American Battle Monuments Commission's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2007 and 2006
GAO-08-326, February 29, 2008
Financial Audit: Senate Restaurants Revolving Fund for Fiscal Years 2007 and 2006
GAO-08-463, March 7, 2008
Financial Audit: Special Counsel Expenditures for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2007
GAO-08-541, March 31, 2008
Saving Our Future Requires Tough Choices Today
GAO-08-584CG, March 6, 2008
Saving Our Future Requires Tough Choices Today
GAO-08-583CG, March 5, 2008
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Government Operations

"The Government Accountability Office (GAO) Act of 2007" (H.R. 3268), and Other GAO Reforms
GAO-08-587T, March 13, 2008
Capitol Visitor Center: Update on Status of Project's Schedule and Cost as of March 12, 2008
GAO-08-545T, March 12, 2008
Comments on the Office of Personnel Management's February 20, 2008 Report to Congress Regarding the Retirement Systems Modernization
GAO-08-576R, March 28, 2008
Federal User Fees: Substantive Reviews Needed to Align Port-Related Fees with the Programs They Support
GAO-08-321, February 22, 2008
Intellectual Property: Federal Enforcement Has Generally Increased, but Assessing Performance Could Strengthen Law Enforcement Efforts
GAO-08-157, March 11, 2008
Management Letter: Recommendations for Improvements to MCC's Internal Controls and Policies on Premium Class Air Travel
GAO-08-468R, February 29, 2008
Presidential Signing Statements: Agency Implementation of Selected Provisions of Law
GAO-08-553T, March 11, 2008
Supplemental Appropriations: Opportunities Exist to Increase Transparency and Provide Additional Controls
GAO-08-314, January 31, 2008
U.S. Government Accountability Office: Human Capital Initiatives and Additional Legislative Authorities
GAO-08-573T, March 13, 2008
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Changes in Obligations and Activities before and after Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Reorganization
GAO-08-328R, February 25, 2008
Health Insurance: Most College Students Are Covered through Employer-Sponsored Plans, and Some Colleges and States Are Taking Steps to Increase Coverage
GAO-08-389, March 28, 2008
Hospital Quality Data: Issues and Challenges Related to How Hospitals Submit Data and How CMS Ensures Data Reliability
GAO-08-555T, March 6, 2008
Medicaid Demonstration Waivers: Recent HHS Approvals Continue to Raise Cost and Oversight Concerns
GAO-08-87, January 31, 2008
Reprocessed Single-Use Medical Devices: FDA Oversight Has Increased, and Available Information Does Not Indicate That Use Presents an Elevated Health Risk
GAO-08-147, January 31, 2008
September 11: Fiscal Year 2008 Cost Estimation Process for World Trade Center Health Programs
GAO-08-537R, March 11, 2008
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Homeland Security

Coast Guard: Deepwater Program Management Initiatives and Key Homeland Security Missions
GAO-08-531T, March 5, 2008
Homeland Security: DHS Has Taken Actions to Strengthen Border Security Programs and Operations, but Challenges Remain
GAO-08-542T, March 6, 2008
Homeland Security: DHS Improved its Risk-Based Grant Programs' Allocation and Management Methods, But Measuring Programs' Impact on National Capabilities Remains a Challenge
GAO-08-488T, March 11, 2008
Homeland Security: Strategic Solution for US-VISIT Program Needs to Be Better Defined, Justified, and Coordinated
GAO-08-361, February 29, 2008
Maritime Security: Coast Guard Inspections Identify and Correct Facility Deficiencies, but More Analysis Needed of Program's Staffing, Practices, and Data
GAO-08-12, February 14, 2008
Status of Selected Aspects of the Coast Guard's Deepwater Program
GAO-08-270R, March 11, 2008
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Housing Government-Sponsored Enterprises: A Single Regulator Will Better Ensure Safety and Soundness and Mission Achievement
GAO-08-563T, March 6, 2008
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Information Management

Information Security: Progress Reported, but Weaknesses at Federal Agencies Persist
GAO-08-571T, March 12, 2008
Information Security: Securities and Exchange Commission Needs to Continue to Improve Its Program
GAO-08-280, February 29, 2008
Information Technology: Significant Problems of Critical Automation Program Contribute to Risks Facing 2010 Census
GAO-08-550T, March 5, 2008
Privacy: Government Use of Data from Information Resellers Could Include Better Protections
GAO-08-543T, March 11, 2008
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International Affairs

Combating Terrorism: State Department's Antiterrorism Program Needs Improved Guidance and More Systematic Assessments of Outcomes
GAO-08-336, February 29, 2008
Somalia: Several Challenges Limit U.S. and International Stabilization, Humanitarian, and Development Efforts
GAO-08-351, February 19, 2008
Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq: Actions Needed to Address Inadequate Accountability over U.S. Efforts and Investments
GAO-08-568T, March 11, 2008
The Democratic Republic of the Congo: Major Challenges Impede Efforts to Achieve U.S. Policy Objectives; Systematic Assessment of Progress Is Needed
GAO-08-562T, March 6, 2008
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National Defense

DOD Personnel Clearances: Questions for the Record Related to the Quality and Timeliness of Clearances
GAO-08-580R, March 25, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: 2009 Is a Critical Juncture for the Army's Future Combat System
GAO-08-408, March 7, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs
GAO-08-467SP, March 31, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Progress Made in Fielding Missile Defense, but Program Is Short of Meeting Goals
GAO-08-448, March 14, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Significant Challenges Ahead in Developing and Demonstrating Future Combat System's Network and Software
GAO-08-409, March 7, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Termination Costs Are Generally Not a Compelling Reason to Continue Programs or Contracts That Otherwise Warrant Ending
GAO-08-379, March 14, 2008
Defense Contracting: Additional Personal Conflict of Interest Safeguards Needed for Certain DOD Contractor Employees
GAO-08-169, March 7, 2008
Defense Contracting: Army Case Study Delineates Concerns with Use of Contractors as Contract Specialists
GAO-08-360, March 26, 2008
Defense Infrastructure: Army and Marine Corps Grow the Force Construction Projects Generally Support the Initiative
GAO-08-375, March 6, 2008
Defense Management: DOD Needs to Reexamine Its Extensive Reliance on Contractors and Continue to Improve Management and Oversight
GAO-08-572T, March 11, 2008
Defense Management: More Transparency Needed over the Financial and Human Capital Operations of the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
GAO-08-342, March 6, 2008
Defense Management: Overarching Organizational Framework Could Improve DOD's Management of Energy Reduction Efforts for Military Operations
GAO-08-523T, March 13, 2008
Defense Management: Overarching Organizational Framework Needed to Guide and Oversee Energy Reduction Efforts for Military Operations
GAO-08-426, March 13, 2008
Defense Travel System: Validity of Travel Payments Statistical Sampling in Question
GAO-08-444R, March 3, 2008
Global War on Terrorism: Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense
GAO-08-557R, March 17, 2008
Joint Strike Fighter: Impact of Recent Decisions on Program Risks
GAO-08-569T, March 11, 2008
Joint Strike Fighter: Recent Decisions by DOD Add to Program Risks
GAO-08-388, March 11, 2008
Military Base Realignments and Closures: Higher Costs and Lower Savings Projected for Implementing Two Key Supply-Related BRAC Recommendations
GAO-08-315, March 5, 2008
Military Training: Compliance with Environmental Laws Affects Some Training Activities, but DOD Has Not Made a Sound Business Case for Additional Environmental Exemptions
GAO-08-407, March 7, 2008
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Natural Resources

Hardrock Mining: Information on Abandoned Mines and Value and Coverage of Financial Assurances on BLM Land
GAO-08-574T, March 12, 2008
Mineral Revenues: Data Management Problems and Reliance on Self-Reported Data for Compliance Efforts Put MMS Royalty Collections at Risk
GAO-08-560T, March 11, 2008
Natural Resource Management: Opportunities Exist to Enhance Federal Participation in Collaborative Efforts to Reduce Conflicts and Improve Natural Resource Conditions
GAO-08-262, February 12, 2008
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Science, Space, and Technology

Aviation and the Environment: FAA's and NASA's Research and Development Plans for Noise Reduction Are Aligned but the Prospects of Achieving Noise Reduction Goals Are Uncertain
GAO-08-384, February 15, 2008
Defense Space Activities: National Security Space Strategy Needed to Guide Future DOD Space Efforts
GAO-08-431R, March 27, 2008
Space Acquisitions: Major Space Programs Still at Risk for Cost and Schedule Increases
GAO-08-552T, March 4, 2008
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Tax Policy and Administration

Business Systems Modernization: Internal Revenue Service's Fiscal Year 2008 Expenditure Plan
GAO-08-420, March 7, 2008
Internal Revenue Service: Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Request and Interim Performance Results of IRS's 2008 Tax Filing Season
GAO-08-567, March 13, 2008
Tax Policy: Tax-Exempt Status of Certain Bonds Merits Reconsideration, and Apparent Noncompliance with Issuance Cost Limitations Should Be Addressed
GAO-08-364, February 15, 2008
Vehicle Donations: Selected Charities Reported Mixed Experiences after Changes in Vehicle Donation Rules
GAO-08-367, February 15, 2008
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Coast Guard: Observations on the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget, Recent Performance, and Related Challenges
GAO-08-494T, March 6, 2008
Surface Transportation: Restructured Federal Approach Needed for More Focused, Performance-Based, and Sustainable Programs
GAO-08-400, March 6, 2008
Traffic Safety: Grants Generally Address Key Safety Issues, Despite State Eligibility and Management Difficulties
GAO-08-398, March 14, 2008
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Veterans Affairs

VA Health Care: Additional Efforts to Better Assess Joint Ventures Needed
GAO-08-399, March 28, 2008
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Legal Products: Decisions and Opinions

AdaRose, Inc.
B-299091.3, March 28, 2008
Apptis, Inc.
B-299457; B-299457.2; B-299457.3, May 23, 2007
Brian X. Scott
B-310970; B-310970.2, March 26, 2008
B-310797; B-310797.3, February 14, 2008
Ceres Environmental Services, Inc.
B-310902, March 3, 2008
Election Assistance Commission--Availability of Funds for Purchase of Replacement Voting Equipment
B-316107, March 19, 2008
Evans Security Solutions, Inc.
B-311035, March 19, 2008
FlowSense, LLC
B-310904, March 10, 2008
Harris Enterprices, Inc.
B-311143, March 27, 2008
Karrar Systems Corporation
B-310661.3; B-310661.4, March 3, 2008
Karrar Systems Corporation
B-310661; B-310661.2, January 3, 2008
Para Scientific Company
B-310976, February 25, 2008
Singleton Enterprises-GMT Mechanical, Joint Venture--Costs
B-310454.3, March 27, 2008
Strong Environmental, Inc.
B-311005, March 10, 2008
T.F. Boyle Transportation, Inc.
B-310708; B-310708.2, January 29, 2008
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Legal Products: Federal Agency Major Rules

Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Medicaid Program; Health Care-Related Taxes
GAO-08-532R, March 10, 2008
Department of State: Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates
GAO-08-575R, March 14, 2008
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If you have any questions, please contact Chuck Young of Public Affairs at (202) 512-4800 or via email at YoungC1@GAO.GOV.

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This list is produced by the Government Accountability Office.