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Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 92 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Federal Debt: Debt Management in a Period of Budget Surplus
T-AIMD-99-300, September 29, 1999
Social Security: What the President's Proposal Does and Does Not Do
T-AIMD/HEHS-99-76, February 9, 1999
Federal Financing Bank: Estimated Effects on the Maturity Composition of the Federal Debt
GGD-86-43, March 21, 1986
Financial Audit: Bureau of the Public Debt's Fiscal Years 2003 and 2002 Schedules of Federal Debt
GAO-04-177, November 7, 2003
Budget Issues: An Overview of Federal Debt
T-AIMD-98-221, June 24, 1998
Management Letter: Schedule of Loans Receivable Serviced by the Bureau of the Public Debt
AIMD-98-111R, April 7, 1998
Claimed Default on General Services Administration's Participation Certificates, Series A Through E
108719, February 27, 1979
Medicare and Budget Surpluses: GAO's Perspective on the President's Proposal and the Need for Reform
T-AIMD/HEHS-99-113, March 10, 1999
Improvements Needed in Processing and Collecting Separation Debts
112254, April 23, 1980
Improving Government Collection of Amounts Owed by the Public
107962, December 18, 1978
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 92 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»


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