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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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December 15, 2002

GP 3.16/3-2:23/15
(Vol. 23, no. 15)

Table of Contents


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Bruce R. James Is New Public Printer

Bruce R. James, 60, of Crystal Bay, Nevada, became the 24th Public Printer in the 141-year history of United States Government Printing Office on November 26, 2002, when President Bush signed his commission.

James, a 1964 graduate of Rochester Institute of Technology’s School of Printing Management and Sciences, brings a lifetime of print and information industry experience to the GPO. Beginning with a basement printshop in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio at age 11, he founded, developed and managed technology-driven printing and publishing enterprises that operated throughout the country and the world. One of the firms, San Francisco-based Barclays Law Publishers, was selected for four consecutive years by Inc. Magazine as one of the Nation’s 500 fastest growing companies.

In 1993, at age 50, he retired from business and moved with his wife, Nora, to Lake Tahoe in Nevada, to devote his life to public service in the government and non-profit sectors. Resigning from 13 boards to accept the GPO post, he will remain chairman of the Board of Trustees of his alma mater, Rochester Institute of Technology, one of the Nation’s largest private universities, and trustee of Sierra Nevada College, Nevada’s only private, non-profit, residential college.

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Frank A. Partlow, Jr. Named GPO Chief of Staff

Frank A. Partlow, Jr., has been named Chief of Staff for the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) by Public Printer Bruce R. James. As Chief of Staff, Partlow will direct strategic planning for the Government Printing Office and advise the Public Printer on all aspects of GPO's business. The appointment became effective November 29, 2002.

Partlow brings 40 years of experience in management, administration and analysis to GPO, as well as extensive experience in strategic planning, human and government relations, higher education, and training. A retired U.S. Army Brigadier General, Partlow was most recently executive director of the Northern Nevada Network and an adjunct Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Until his retirement from the U.S. Army in 1990, Partlow served as the Director of Estimates of the Defense Intelligence Agency. From 1986-1988, Partlow was a senior member of the U.S. Arms Control Delegation in Geneva, where he negotiated the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with the U.S.S.R. Other U.S. Army assignments included serving as Chief of Staff of a multinational force of 3,300 peacekeepers in Egypt 1985-1986, Deputy Director for Planning for the U.S. Army, Brigade Commander, Battalion Commander, and Assistant Professor at the U.S. Military Academy. Partlow saw combat duty with an infantry division in Vietnam and with the Military Equipment Delivery Team in Cambodia.

Partlow graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1960. He holds a masters degree in European studies from Stanford University. He graduated from the National Defense University and was Senior Fellow at Harvard University 1982-1983. Partlow is married, and has two daughters and four grandchildren. He and his wife, Kay, currently reside in Arlington, VA.

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Check Your Depository Directory Entry

Have there been any changes in your library’s name, address, or phone numbers? Or has redistricting placed your library in a different Congressional District? Have you input those changes to the online Federal Depository Library Directory at: <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/ldirect.html#2>

LPS will soon be preparing the March 2003 paper edition of the Directory. Please take a few moments to make sure that your library’s entry is correct.

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Claims Copies Exhausted Web Page Added to Web Claim Form

The Library Programs Service has implemented a Claims Copies Exhausted page to its Web claiming application to make the claiming process easier and more efficient. The Claims Copies Exhausted web page contains a list of publications that are no longer available due to exhausted stock. This page is updated periodically as necessary. Please do NOT submit a claim for any publication appearing on this list. The new claim process applies to materials distributed on GPO-produced shipping lists (paper, separates, electronic, and those few microfiche shipping lists issued from GPO).

The direct link for the Claims Copies Exhausted web page is <http://ww1.access.gpo.gov/gpoaccess/fdlp/tools/webclaim_ex.html>. It is also linked to from the FDLP Desktop, under Processing Tools.

Microfiche claims against microfiche contractor-produced shipping lists still need to be made directly to the relevant microfiche contractor. See <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/msl/mslv.html> for contact information for the current microfiche contractors.

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Online Information Replaces GPO Sales Publications Reference File Microfiche

The GPO Sales Publications Reference File microfiche, SubList PRF, is ceasing publication. The last monthly issue was November 21, 2002. The same information previously found in the microfiche can be searched online at <http://bookstore.gpo.gov> in the "Sales Product Catalog." The online "Sales Product Catalog" is updated five days a week.

Depository distribution of GPO Sales Publications Reference File microfiche was terminated in December 1997, upon the advent of the online database. The microfiche had been distributed under item 0552-B, SuDocs class number GP 3.22/2:.

The electronic "New Sales Publications" is located at: <http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/library/list/files/?lib=NEW_PUBS>. This file is updated before Tuesday morning each week, when it becomes available for users to download. Each week’s file will remain in the NEW_PUBS file library indefinitely, along with the generic file, which changes each week. Each week’s file will contain citations from Friday until Thursday of the previous week (for example, the December 10, 2002 file, renamed as "120502.txt" will contain data from 11/29/02 through 12/5/2002). The naming structure will be based on the last day of the week for which data is included.

An alternate way to get to the New Publications list is through the "Federal Bulletin Board" at <http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov/index.htm>. Click on "View an Alphabetical List of All File Libraries" which is near the top of the web page. Then type in the search box NEW_PUBS (without quotes around it) and hit enter. Then click on the current week’s file (such as 121202.txt) to download the file. Then click on newpubs.dat to download the file. It looks like the PRF Microfiche. New titles are in alphabetical order. The new titles may be ordered for purchase through the "Sales Product Catalog."

If you have any questions or comments about this change, please send an e-mail to <bsb@gpo.gov> or telephone 202-512-1705.

Sales customers with questions about refunds may call 202-512-1806 or 866-512-1800 (toll-free outside of the Washington, DC area).

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New Formats Distributed to
Depository Libraries

Two new tangible electronic formats were brought into the Federal Depository Library Program this year, the audio e-book and the mini CD-ROM. No additional equipment, beyond what is specified in the 2002 Minimum Technical Requirements for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries <http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/computers/mtr.html>, is necessary to provide access to these documents.

"Extending Digital Dividends: Public Goods and Services that Work for All" (GS 1.2:D 56, item no. 0556-C) was distributed on shipping list 2003-12-P dated October 11, 2002. An audio e-book version of the document is on the CD located inside the back cover. When the CD is put into the CD/DVD drive, installation of LpPlayer, the e-book reader, is automatically initiated. The e-book is read from the CD and does not have to be installed on the hard drive.

"Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of U.S. Diversity" (C 3.2:M 32/2002/CD, item no. 0146) was distributed on shipping list 2003-0001-E dated October 22, 2002. This mini CD-ROM is an electronic version of the paper document of the same name (C 3.2:M 32, item no. 0146), which was distributed on shipping list 2001-0311-P dated September 20, 2001. A special drive is not necessary to read this product. The CD fits into the deeper well in the center of the CD/DVD drive. When inserted in the drive, a menu appears with options to read more about the CD, explore the CD, or launch the viewer. To make maximum use of this mini CD, it should be used on a workstation with Internet access, as it provides links to Census Bureau Web pages for additional data.

If you have any questions about the Minimum Technical Requirements, contact Cynthia Etkin by e-mail at cetkin@gpo.gov.

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Passwords Changing in January

As announced at this fall’s Federal Depository Library Conference and in Administrative Notes (v. 23, #14, 11/15/02), depository libraries now have access to USA Trade Online. New user IDs and passwords are being issued; they will work for both STAT-USA and USA Trade Online.

STAT-USA has provided a temporary user ID and password for depositories to use until new user IDs and passwords can be issued. Depositories should login at http://www.stat-usa.gov/usatrade.nsf, entering the user ID: fdl007 and the password: nibor.

The new user IDs and passwords will become effective on January 21. The old STAT-USA passwords will no longer work after that date.

Libraries will receive written notification of their new user ID and password in depository shipment boxes in December. Any library that does not receive its user ID & password should contact Lisa Russell by email at <lrussell@gpo.gov>.

USA Trade Online is a service of STAT-USA and the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau. It provides monthly information on U.S. imports and exports on more than 18,000 commodities. For more information on the database, contact STAT-USA’s Customer Support Center at 1-800-STAT-USA (800-782-8872) or <statmail@mail.doc.gov>.

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Recommendations and Commendations
Depository Library Council Meeting
Fall 2002, Arlington, VA


1. PURL Statistics

The Depository Library Council recommends the Government Printing Office develop statistical reports of PURL referrals to enable libraries to determine how often documents within the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection are being accessed through library catalogs and Web pages. In addition, the Government Printing Office should examine the response time of the PURL server to ensure access to resources within a reasonable time frame.

Rationale: Currently the Government Printing Office provides URL referral statistics for depository libraries. In addition, PURL statistical reports will allow librarians to monitor the effectiveness of the access provided to online government publications through depository library catalogs and Web pages.

2. WAIS Migration

The Depository Library Council recommends the Government Printing Office migrate the WAIS databases to more current search engine technology as soon as possible.

Rationale: The Government Printing Office has been exploring the purchase of new search engine technology for several years. Due to the severe limitations of WAIS technology, it is imperative that GPO Access migrate to a new XML-based technology. Advantages inherent in newer database architectures will also improve products through more advanced interfaces with the Integrated Library System being acquired by the Government Printing Office.

3. Regional Library Conference

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office request funding to sponsor a multi-day Regional Library Conference.

Rationale: The August 1997 Regionals Conference in Minnesota was extremely successful in providing all 53 regional depositories and all states the opportunity to discuss and assess the services, responsibilities, and problems that are unique to Regionals, as well as identify areas for service to selective depositories. The meeting would allow an opportunity for the Government Printing Office staff to consult with the Regionals, train them in Government Printing Office policies and procedures and discuss services that Regionals should provide to selective depositories.

4. Communication with Administrators

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office communicate the importance and benefits of the Federal Depository Library Program to key groups of library administrators, preferably at their association meetings (e.g., Association of Research Libraries, Public Library Association, American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, and state library associations, etc.).

Rationale: The Depository Library Council recognizes the need for communication from the Government Printing Office to directors at depository libraries in order to reinforce the importance of the program, to inform directors of current issues facing depositories, and to form a basis of discussion between depository librarians and their administrators. The proposed communications would assist in building awareness and support at higher levels and would hopefully interest library directors in joining the program. A special presentation on the Federal Depository Library Program held at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting in 1995 was very successful and attracted 150 attendees. A similar successful meeting, sponsored by the regional library, was held on the state level in Georgia in 2001.

5. Guidelines for Regionals

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office review and develop expanded guidelines to assist regional depositories in working with depository libraries that may be considering withdrawing from the Federal Depository Library Program. Guidelines for the Regional might include:

  • Instructions requiring the withdrawing library to notify its Regional and the Government Printing Office of its intent to withdraw six to twelve months before the intended date of withdrawal;
  • Notification to the withdrawing library of the procedures it must follow with respect to:
    • What the library can retain versus what it must or will surrender;
    • What the library must provide for public access during the withdrawal process;
  • Announcement to other libraries within that Congressional district of its intent to withdraw;
  • Communication by the Regional with the withdrawing library’s Congressional delegation;
    • Informing the delegation of the library’s intent to withdraw;
    • Informing the delegation of their ability to appoint a library to fill that vacancy;
  • Establishment of a time frame that the library must follow in the disposition of the withdrawing library’s materials.

Rationale: Currently the communication process between the Regional and the withdrawing library remains unclear. Better communication involving all parties may encourage the library to reconsider its decision. Refining the process will also enhance the redistribution of depository materials to other interested Federal depository libraries.

6. Historic Document Preservation

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office, in cooperation with other library preservation organizations, begin to identify historic documents and investigate means for depository libraries to preserve them.

Rationale: Many depositories housing historical collections are witnessing a rapid deterioration of these valuable collections. Council shares the depository community’s concerns and urges work with such organizations to develop and implement guidelines that will assist libraries in preserving and archiving these collections.

7. GPO-Hosted Web Sites

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office provide guidance to Federal government agencies on the organization of content on GPO-hosted Web sites. Examples of such guidance may include the GPO Access Web design guidelines, Web site templates, or examples of best practices at existing government Web sites.

Rationale: A careful analysis of the organization of GPO-hosted Web sites shows that many agencies fail to provide direct access to discrete government information titles. The lack of clear and consistent organization may make it difficult for the public to locate desired information at these Web sites, and it is difficult to provide bibliographic access or create PURLs for multipart titles. The Government Printing Office typically provides guidance to government agencies on the layout and organization of printed publications. Providing guidance for the organization of Web site content is a natural extension of this activity in the electronic environment.

8. Benefits of Being a Depository

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office distribute to the depository community the following items provided by Council:

  • "List of Benefits of Being a Federal Depository Library"
  • "Testimonials from Depository Librarians"
  • "Suggested Responses to Frequently Cited Reasons for Leaving the Depository Library System"

Council also recommends that the Government Printing Office begin integrating this information into the Depository Library Program documentation.

Rationale: Recognizing the increasing number of departures from the Federal Depository Library Program, the Government Printing Office requested assistance with compiling a list of benefits of remaining a depository library.


The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office require each depository to subscribe to the FDLP-L email announcement list, which was developed to convey official Federal Depository Library Program announcements.

10. Anniversary Packets

The Depository Library Council recommends that the Government Printing Office develop a packet of materials suitable for use by libraries celebrating anniversaries of their designations as depositories. This packet may include a certificate by the Government Printing Office recognizing the library’s longevity within the program and contributions thereto. The packet may also include a letter from the Government Printing Office to the library director expressing appreciation for the library’s past work, examples of newspaper articles that mention not only the library’s anniversary but also the importance of the Federal Depository Library Program, a list of suggested celebratory activities, and sample texts of press releases and radio spots.

Rationale: Several Federal depository libraries will be celebrating centennial and other significant anniversaries in the next several years. Currently there is no such packet of materials and this would be an invaluable resource for libraries wishing to raise the level of awareness of the role of the Federal Depository Library Program in their local communities.


  1. Council commends the Government Printing Office for the creation of the Web-based "Clickable Map of Federal Depository Libraries," which provides all citizens with easy identification and location of Federal depository libraries.
  2. Council commends the Government Printing Office for designing and making available a selection of electronic depository logos containing statutory language on access that depositories can use on their Web pages, in presentations, and in promotional materials.
  3. Council commends the Government Printing Office for creating the FDLP-L email list to provide timely and official notification on matters of importance and interest to depositories. This email announcement list is valuable as a direct and easy-to-monitor conduit of communication from the Government Printing Office to the depository community.
  4. Council commends the Government Printing Office for creating the GPO-ELSALE-L email list to notify interested depositories of titles that remain available in tangible format from the sales program although they have been converted to online-only distribution through the depository program.
  5. Council commends the Government Printing Office for responding to the problem of incomplete text files in GPO Access through the addition of disclaimer notices to the text files and by emphasizing the availability of complete PDF versions to users. The text versions of many files on GPO Access lack TIFF images, which appear in the PDF versions. A process is underway to flag those text files that contain notices of missing content.
  6. Council commends the Government Printing Office for responding to the need to break large PDF files into smaller and logically usable sub-files and for its efforts to develop procedures for evaluating existing GPO Access files and incoming files for usability. Some files provided to the Government Printing Office are extremely large, making downloading difficult or impossible for many users. Breaking large files into discrete parts, especially along logical division points (e.g., chapters), enhances the public’s ability to access electronic files.
  7. Council commends the Government Printing Office for including in the spring and fall meetings of the Depository Library Council time for a separate meeting of the regional libraries. This meeting provides a forum for sharing ideas and discussing common concerns. Council encourages the Government Printing Office to continue to provide the opportunity for an all-day session at the fall meeting and a half-day session at the spring meeting.
  8. Council commends the Government Printing Office for the creation and implementation of an online claiming system to replace the paper method.
  9. Council commends the Indiana University Libraries and the CIC (Committee on Institutional Cooperation) Government Documents Group for their partnership with the Government Printing Office on the innovative Floppy Disk Project, which preserves access to information originally distributed to Federal depositories on now outdated floppy disk media.
  10. Council commends the Government Printing Office for its successful recruitment of professional catalogers and supervisors during the past year. Because of these efforts, staffing levels of the Government Printing Office Cataloging Branch are now at an all-time high. Having a full complement of cataloging staff will enhance the Government Printing Office’s ability to identify and provide access to Federal government information.
  11. Council commends the Government Printing Office for developing a mechanism for providing Continuing Education Units and certificates for Government Printing Office sponsored education and training activities.

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Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

The Editor, Administrative Notes
U.S. Government Printing Office
Library Programs Service, SLLD
Washington, DC 20401

Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: January 21, 2003 
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad121502.html
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