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Newsletter of the Federal Depository Library Program

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February 1, 1999

GP 3.16/3-2:20/03
(Vol. 20, no. 03)

Table of Contents


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Depository Library Council to the Public Printer
Summary of the Fall 1998 Meeting
October 19-22, 1998
San Diego, CA


Monday, October 19, 1998, Morning Session

GPO Update

Council members present:
Fred Wood, Julia Wallace, Margaret Walker, Paula Kaczmarek, Diane Eidelman, Tom Andersen, Duncan Aldrich, Carol Bednar, Diane Garner, Maggie Farrell, Greg Lawrence, Mary Alice Baish, Donna Koepp

Tom Andersen, Council Chair
Welcome to fall Depository Library Council (DLC) meeting.

Judy McCarthy, member, San Diego City Council, welcomed Council to San Diego. The San Diego Public Library has been a depository library since 1885 and now boasts a collection of 1.7 million items in their collection. Noteworthy titles in the collection include the U.S. Department of the Interior 19th Century Railway Surveys, first publications from the Smithsonian Institution, and early NASA documents. Tours of the San Diego Public Library are scheduled for Wednesday.

A Monday night reception is planned at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.

Introductions of GPO staff and Council members.

There are 145 officially registered participants at the fall DLC meeting. Registrants were invited to stop by Council meetings and were encouraged to leave messages for Council to respond to.

Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer

Mr. DiMario provided an overview of the status of GPO funding and the status of S2288 (Wendell Ford Government Publications Reform Act of 1998).

Funding and appropriations - salaries and expense for FDLP, printing and binding
Although passed, the bill had not been transmitted to the President for signature until Friday (10/16). Level funding is anticipated for FDLP in FY99 (salaries and expenses). Therefore, there is less funding to support ongoing efforts and for developing new services.

The Omnibus Budget Bill needs to be printed today by GPO, and will be presented to Congress Tuesday.

Government Publications Reform Act (S2288)

The bill was introduced a few weeks ago in Congress. It focuses on the issues facing the library community vis-à-vis FDLP. Many were in opposition to the bill (publishers, industry, etc.). Report 105-413 accompanies S2288. Both will be available online and will be printed. The Interlibrary Working Group worked closely with GPO staff to move the issues forward. The Senate Rules Committee reported out the bill for discussion in Congress. Further discussion is necessary, since it has not been read by the House. Significant in any discussion is the dissolution of the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP). Currently, it appears that the JCP will remain through January 1999 (funding extension through 1/99). The statute requiring the JCP remains; however, funding for staff and operations is significantly reduced or eliminated. Operation of the JCP will likely be through the Senate Rules & Administration Committee and the House Oversight Committee (parent committees of the Joint Committee on Printing). There may be a new version of the bill drafted during the next Congress. These activities should not affect the FDLP; GPO will continue to operate as usual. There are issues surrounding the bill which have more to do with GPO staff, not specifically the Federal Depository Library Program.

Mr. DiMario encouraged participants to bring issues and concerns to GPO staff and Council so the Federal Depository Library Program can be as effective as possible.

Francis Buckley, Superintendent of Documents

Mr. Buckley welcomed everyone to the Fall Depository meeting and thanked Mr. DiMario for bringing him on board during such interesting times. Mr. Buckley recognized the departure of Jay Young in September 1998 after 27 years with the GPO.

He congratulated Tom Andersen on his recent appointment as California Library Services Act Program Coordinator at the California State Library.

Mr. Buckley outlined the ongoing activities within GPO. Based on discussions on GOVDOC-L regarding access to libraries, fees, etc., Mr. Buckley reiterated the foundation of the program. The Federal Depository Library Program supports free access to depository collections. Charges may be applied for photocopying, circulation, etc., but may not be applied to services associated with use of the collection.

Also discussed on GOVDOC-L is Internet access within depository libraries. An Internet Use Policy Statement is being developed and will align with the free access requirement in the FDLP. [See FDLP Internet Use Policy Guidelines, Administrative Notes, v. 20, no. 2, 1/15/99.]

The Sales Program update would not be complete without mentioning work surrounding the Independent Counsel (Starr Report). The Starr Reports, three in all, were released as House documents. GPO had an obligation to print them, but could not do so until they were officially released as House documents. The reports were made available through GPO Access, Thomas, other Internet sites (CNN) and print. The report generated brisk business for the Sales Program. 6600 copies of the first Starr Report were sold. The second and third Starr Reports generated nearly $50,000 in revenue and brought new users to the GPO Access site. Overall, the Sales Program is stable and it is expected the Starr Report will help with fourth quarter sales figures.

The GPO Bookstores have been asked to do business plans this year. Not all of the stores are recovering their indirect expenses. Developing business plans will improve the overall performance of the stores. This will be accomplished through marketing and better planning.

Mr. Buckley noted that the Integrated Processing System (IPS) will increase efficiency of ordering in the sales department (inventory control and sales tracking). There are plans to have IPS operational by the end of October and available to the public by early 1999. Until IPS is fully functional orders will be processed by the existing system.

GPO continues to grapple with what to retain in the Sales Program. GPO is determining which titles are historically valuable (Public Papers of the President, etc.), have enduring value in spite of low sales, and where the Sales Program is the only source of replacement copies.

Mr. Buckley thanked everyone for coming and encouraged attendees to bring issues for discussion so GPO and the FDLP remain responsive to your needs.

[see also Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 15, 11/25/98]

Gil Baldwin, Chief, Library Division, LPS

[see Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 15, 11/25/98]

T.C. Evans, EIDS

[see Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 15, 11/25/98]

Thomas A. Downing, Chief, Cataloging Branch, LPS

[see Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 16, 12/15/98]

Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Depository Administration Branch, LPS

[see Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 15, 11/25/98]

Judy Andrews, Electronic Transition Staff, LPS

[see Remarks, Administrative Notes, v. 19, no. 15, 11/25/98]



Questions from Council and attendees:

Fred Wood, Council member, asked about network bandwidth issues, including the inverse study that GPO undertook. T.C. Evans discussed the inverse study first and offered to provide copies if people are interested and reiterated that GPO evaluates network capacity in real-time.

Duncan Aldrich asked about the BCR-sponsored GPO Access Trainer and when sessions would be given. T.C. Evans' department is working with RONDAC trainers and will be measuring training activities, including support materials and feedback from participants.

Julia Wallace asked about the status of the GPO Access Learning Center. Fran Buckley indicated GPO management is reviewing a revised proposal and it will be forwarded to the Public Printer.

Julia Wallace asked about the relationship with the Sales Program for titles no longer in the Depository Program. Is there a better mechanism for recovering copies from Sales? Fran Buckley has designated himself as a Regional Library to keep a handle on how things are going. The Electronic Collection Plan is helping with identifying what titles remain in the FDLP. Robin Haun-Mohamed responded to the specific title mentioned (Defense Series). When possible film is ordered to resume printing. For the title mentioned copies can be acquired in microfiche. Julia Wallace commended Mr. Buckley on his scrutiny of this issue.

Denise Davis asked Judy Andrews about the ERIC OCLC FirstSearch project regarding public library users who are unfamiliar with the OCLC interface. The ERIC Reports are available at no charge to depositories. Judy indicated OCLC is providing search support.


Monday, October 19, 1998, Afternoon Session

Ann Sanders (Library of Michigan), representing the Government Documents Roundtable of Michigan, presented the GODORT-sponsored 1998 Paul W. Thurston Award to Saundra Williams and the staff of the University of Memphis for their Web site: Uncle Sam, Migrating Government Publications.

Question and Answer Session (resumed):

Diane Eidelman asked what happens to the ERIC Report service at the end of 1998? Gil Baldwin responded that the National Library of Education negotiated rights to use this content. GPO is negotiating depository access from the EDRS site, which is Web accessible. GPO will keep everyone posted on the results of the negotiation.

Diane Garner asked about the NRC collection. Judy Andrews responded that a new Web based service, ADAMS, will be providing access to the NRC collection. GPO staff indicated they were not sure if the site will provide Web access to its retrospective content. There are multiple other mirror sites supporting access. Nearly half of depository libraries collect NRC reports.

Andrea Sevetson, UC Berkeley, asked what functionality will be in MoCat online. Tad Downing responded that upgrading functionality of MoCat is planned. Review of other applications is being handled systematically. Tad would like input from depository libraries and Council regarding the applications they think are essential, valuable and useful.

Linda Kennedy, UC Davis, asked about the appropriateness of GPO downloading and archiving the text of titles in Monthly Catalog records. Gil Baldwin noted it is difficult for GPO to insure permanence of resources when GPO does not have control at the file level, nor does it manage other government sites. GPO feels capturing information and archiving it at GPO, or at a partner site, seems to be the most appropriate way to manage this particular issue.

There was a follow-up question on whether there is any chance of improving Web practices of government agencies. Gil Baldwin noted that during visits to agencies they emphasize that the agency has responsibility to maintain their site and insure permanent public access.

Diane Garner asked about the authenticity of records. Gil indicated this is one of the many issues that need to be worked through.

Fred Wood asked about GPO's perspective on OMB guidance in this effort, and on the possibility of a draft Circular being issued. Gil commented that there has been no official guidance from OMB on this in spite of previous efforts. T.C. Evans added that OMB is not releasing a policy because issues are adequately covered elsewhere.

Linda Kennedy, UC Davis, asked about migrating 5.25" diskettes. Tom Andersen said this issue is on his list. Julia Wallace indicated that the CIC libraries are dealing with this as well, in a cooperative manner.

Linda Kennedy, UC Davis, commented that, if given the choice of recommending the proportion of fiche to paper, she would like to see more paper.

Dan Barkley, University of New Mexico, said that software compatibility issues need to be addressed and suggested that Council address this as a partnership issue. Partnerships need to be formed as soon as possible to provide access to earlier CD-ROM's, perhaps keeping 386 level machines that have the appropriate software to support these titles.

Tom Andersen mentioned this as part of a larger issue, including Web access, consolidating products, multiple formats, and what the costs are to support this. (Cassis discs from the Patent and Trademark Office will be migrated to DVD, which is a good example of an agency's not taking hardware requirements into account before migration.)



Council Business

Committee Reports and Recommendations for Council Action:

Election of Officers

Julia Wallace nominated Duncan Aldrich. Diane Garner nominated Julia Wallace (Julia declined the nomination). Duncan was elected as Council Vice Chair, Chair Elect.


Tuesday, October 20, 1998, Morning Session

Draft Biennial Survey

Diane Garner, Chair, Statistical Measurement Committee

Copies of the review draft of the Biennial Survey are available on the table at the rear. Attendees were asked to review the document and identify omissions, needed questions, what could be removed, etc. The final survey needs to be drafted and ready for mailing by the end of 1998.

The Biennial Survey Committee members included Paula Kaczmarek, Lynn Walshak, Greg Lawrence, Cindy Etkin (GPO liaison), Julia Wallace, Anne Watts, Linda Frederick. The Statistical Measurement Committee was split into two groups: cost of being a depository and the Biennial Survey. Although initially divided, the issues were ultimately combined into the Biennial Survey. There is a session planned for Wednesday to discuss the Biennial Survey's cost questions.

Tom Andersen asked if the cost questions should be brought up during the general session or save them for the Survey session. Diane Garner suggested we cover what we can in general session and leave more specific questions for the Wednesday afternoon Biennial Survey session.

Many questions were raised by attendees and Council, and were referred to the Biennial Survey Committee for review or inclusion in the survey. Please contact Diane Garner if you wish more information regarding this general discussion. Tom Andersen was encouraged by the discussion and reminded attendees that it would continue on Wednesday.

GPO Access: Future Developments

T.C. Evans outlined future developments for GPO Access. There were a few hardware problems, but fortunately printed copies of his presentation were available to attendees. T.C. discussed where GPO Access is today, where it will be tomorrow, and the challenges to be faced as they move forward.



Tuesday, October 20, 1998, Afternoon Session

Council Discussion

Tom Andersen, Council Chair, began Council discussion, reiterating that Council will deal with its work via e-mail after the fall meeting unless issues come up which require committees.

Issues raised by Council for discussion:

Fred Wood indicated that a certificate format for commendation would be worthy of consideration. Fran Buckley indicated GPO would manage this.

The NCLIS/GPO survey is moving along nicely. NCLIS feels the results will be useful far beyond its original intended purpose. The final report will ready by 2/99 in time for the Spring Depository Library Council meeting. NCLIS requested feedback on this process and the results of the survey, as well as developing policy statements vis-à-vis survey results.

Tom Andersen facilitated discussion of items from the suggestion box, GOVDOC-L, and direct e-mails. Among them were: comments on responses from Spring Council meeting and recommendations; cycle for issuing List of Classes (per Robin Haun-Mohamed); GPO filling the position of electronic collection manager; managing the FDLP Electronic Collection Plan (action item); revising participation on Council Working Groups and Committees: Electronic Preservation and Archiving Issues Committee; Partnerships; Cataloging/Locator workgroup under the Operations Committee; Electronic Transition Committee (New); microfiche contracts; trade-off by discontinuing or consolidating "traditional" products and services to tangible formats of LPS (i.e., List of Classes); and the structure of depository meetings, amount of time spent, and location of meetings.

Possible commendations included: FDLP Tools on the Web; Jay Young (completed).

Possible Action Items included: Internet capability/ability quality (network, backbone, GPO, libraries); Congressional information recommendations; and the NCLIS Study.


Wednesday, October 21, 1998

Council Discussion

Council's work continued throughout the day. Draft recommendations, commendations and action items were completed. The organization and composition of Council committees and working groups was finalized.

Information Exchange Committee
Tom Andersen (chair)
Duncan Aldrich
Gil Baldwin (GPO liaison)

Operations Committee
Julia Wallace (chair)
Paula Kaczmarek
Maggie Farrell
Diane Eidelman
Carol Bednar
Margaret Walker

Discussion among Council included a review of the spring 1998 Council Recommendations to insure that all items had been addressed.

Francis Buckley raised the issue of maintaining access to historically important items as part of the inventory of the GPO Sales Program. Mr. Buckley asked Council to assist with the identification of participants in a focus group discussion (4 or 5 people). Participants need fiscal awareness of the Sales Program. Peggy Walker offered to identify individuals and forward their names to GPO.

Council completed its work and adjourned at 3:30 p.m. in order for Council members to attend a special session presented by Francis Buckley and Gil Baldwin regarding the FDLP Draft Internet policy.


Thursday, October 22, 1998, Morning Session

Presentation of Draft Recommendations, Commendations and Action Items to attendees.

Tom Andersen read the draft recommendations, commendations and action items, but not the rationale. Comments will come from Council first, then from the audience. After discussion is completed, Council will correspond electronically to finalize all recommendations, commendations, and action items. Tom will forward the document to GPO for response by the spring 1999 Council meeting. [See Administrative Notes, v. 20, no. 2, 1/15/99 for final recommendations.]

This meeting was unique in that Council only made 4 recommendations. However, much of Council's discussion was in relation to the Electronic Collection Development Management Plan presented by GPO. Council felt they needed more time to reflect on the Plan before making substantive recommendations. Therefore, attendees will note the action items reflect Council's need to develop working groups to deal with GPO's Plan.



1. GPO fills the position of electronic collection manager

Council recommends that GPO direct additional resources to building and managing the Electronic Depository Collection, including establishing and filling the position of Electronic Collection Manager described in Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document.

Council believes it is imperative that GPO allocate sufficient resources, both financial and personnel, to assure the effective coordination of activities directed toward building the Electronic Collection described in "Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document."

Council recognizes that various activities and functions associated with the Electronic Collection are currently distributed among various GPO units, e.g. collection development criteria, outreach, marketing, locator tools, metadata, etc.

Council believes that the establishment of the position Electronic Collection Manager would provide the most effective means to coordinate and use this expertise present in GPO.

A. Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection Plan (action item)

Council is pleased that GPO has developed Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document. This document represents a significant initiative. Council has assigned work to four committees/workgroups to assist GPO in the process of implementing and establishing priorities for the Plan, and include the following:

  • Electronic Transition Committee
  • Partnerships Workgroup within Electronic Preservation and Archiving Issues Committee
  • Cataloging/Locator Workgroup within GPO Operations Committee
  • Electronic Preservation and Archiving Issues Committee

Electronic Preservation and Archiving Issues Committee
Greg Lawrence (chair)
Donna Koepp
Duncan Aldrich
T.C. Evans, Gil Baldwin (GPO liaisons)

Charge: A standing committee of Council to address issues related to the long-term access, storage, and preservation of electronic information disseminated through the FDLP. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Promote identification of "at risk" digital publications
  • Promote digital "risk management" awareness in the FDLP
  • With consultation of GPO and member depository libraries, propose and promote model preservation policies and guidelines
  • In addition, in consultation with GPO and member depository libraries, promote prototype projects that broaden and enrich features of the digital depository libraries.

Partnerships: Partnership Working Group under the Electronic Preservation & Archiving Issues Committee
Donna Koepp (chair)
Diane Garner
Paula Kaczmarek
Fred Wood
Mary Alice Baish
T.C. Evans, Gil Baldwin (GPO liaisons)
(additional members from the depository community)

Charge: The development of partnerships as a means of providing data storage, access and preservation, is an integral part of managing the FDLP Electronic Collection. While GPO has developed a small number of model partnerships to date, the working group will examine strategies that would help GPO accelerate their leadership role to facilitate partnerships between agencies and other constituents.

Cataloging/Locator workgroup under the Operations Committee
Carol Bednar (chair)
Maggie Farrell
Julia Wallace
Diane Eidelman
Tad Downing (GPO liaison)
(additional members from the depository community)

Charge: Advise GPO on short and long term policies concerning the scope and effectiveness of cataloging and locator services. Workgroup will solicit comments from the depository library community when possible.

Electronic Transition Committee (New)
Duncan Aldrich (chair)
Margaret Walker
Greg Lawrence
Diane Eidelman
Diane Garner
Paula Kaczmarekbr>Maggie Farrell
Fred Wood
Gil Baldwin, T.C. Evans (GPO liaisons)
(additional members from the depository community)

Charge: Standing committee of Council to address issues related to the FDLP Electronic Transition.

Two immediate issues to be addressed are:

  • Criteria for format replacement, including from fiche to electronic and from print to electronic; and
  • Outreach to Federal agencies, the depository library community, and others interested in developing the Electronic Federal Depository Library Program (E-FDLP).


Managing the FDLP Electronic Collection Plan

No questions were raised.

Electronic Preservation and Archiving Issues

Francis Buckley asked for clarification of "at risk" and "risk management." Greg Lawrence responded from a preservation perspective, especially the need for a management plan to appropriately identify and develop guidelines for treatment of such materials or information. Greg offered to prepare detailed descriptions and post them to GOVDOC-L should it be requested by GPO or the group.

Partnership Working Group

No questions were raised.

Cataloging Locator Workgroup under the GPO Operations Committee

Carol Bednar provided an additional explanation of the review of locator services to improve bibliographic access to Government information. Monthly Catalog Committee scope has gone far beyond that since there are 14 different locator services being provided to improve bibliographic access to government information.

Electronic Transition Committee

Duncan Aldrich explained that Council struggled with terminology, especially fiche to electronic and print to electronic, which is now being referred to as format replacement.

2. Microfiche contracts


Council recommends that GPO evaluate and resolve problems with the current microfiche contractor procedures and performance to identify other options which would better serve the needs of the depository community. Council further recommends that GPO take additional steps to bring microfiche processing procedures and requirements to the attention of the depository libraries.

Since the distribution and claiming of depository microfiche has moved from GPO to full service microfiche contracts with independent contractors, microfiche processing has become more complex for depository libraries. Some contractors' inability to fulfill all elements of GPO contracts, including shipping list and claims delivery, continue to be ongoing problems. Options which might be considered include multi-year contracts; return of microfiche to GPO for distribution; use of additional resources for shipping list preparation, contract compliance, and quality control; and a link from the microfiche shipping list Web page to an information page on current microfiche shipment practices and procedures.

Discussion: No questions were raised.

3. Trade-off by discontinuing or consolidating "traditional" products/services tangible formats of LPS (List of Classes)

Council recommends that GPO, in consultation with the depository library community, decrease the frequency of publication of the paper editions of GPO administrative tools that are available online and are more frequently updated. Some titles with a strong sales history should remain in the sales program in print editions as long as sales justify the cost of production.

As an example, since the online List of Classes is updated monthly, Council recommends that the print version of the List of Classes be updated, published and distributed (via FDLP and sales) only annually, and that each library receive only one depository copy.

Frequently updated online tools are more useful than print editions that are often dated by the time they are printed and distributed. All program libraries should have access to the FDLP Web site and the ability to download. The online version of the List of Classes is updated monthly and can be manipulated to serve multiple purposes. However, libraries may need time to learn how to exploit this electronic resource. During the transition period, some titles may need to remain in print even if less frequently updated. This issue should be revisited.

Julia Wallace mentioned that the List of Classes would be updated monthly online. There was a suggestion that the printed List of Classes come out in early spring so depository libraries can mark it up before the online update cycle in June 1999.

4. Structure of meetings, amount of time, location

Council recommends that the fall Council meeting be held permanently in the Washington, DC area, sometime between the Columbus and Veterans Day holidays, and that the annual FDL Conference coincide with the fall DLC meeting in Washington. The spring DLC meeting would be held in the field, rotating around the country, as it was prior to 1992.

Council further recommends that the fall DLC meetings begin on Sunday evening and end on Wednesday afternoon, instead of beginning on Monday morning and ending on Thursday afternoon. Sunday evening would be reserved for Council's organizational meeting, open to observers. The full Conference would begin on Monday morning and conclude on Wednesday afternoon, with the Regionals' session continuing on the Sunday immediately prior to the FDLC. The spring DLC meeting schedule would be modified in similar fashion.


  • fewer conflicts with other library-related meetings
  • wider range of choices for hotel accommodations
  • restore the opportunity for newly appointed Council members to visit the GPO facility
  • reduce meeting space rental and other FDLC expenses, such as extra day's use/rental of meeting rooms at hotel, A-V equipment, and coffee breaks. Potentially, per diem expenses for DLC members would be reduced.
  • Discussion:
    No comments from Council.

    Comments from the audience indicated acceptance; however, if there is a drop in attendance, GPO should be cognizant of that and be flexible on dates of the larger conference. Tom Andersen mentioned that GPO is left with very few hotel and meeting locations for spring meetings. For 1999 there was only one valid hotel response. If GPO decided to take action on this, then the changes would begin in the year 2000. The change in schedule would result in two Council meetings in the field back-to-back (fall 1999 in Kansas City, spring 2000 in a site yet to be determined, then fall 2000 conference in DC).

    Fred Wood asked how agendas are determined. Sheila McGarr responded that she asks for discussion topics from FDL's. Tom Andersen indicated that Council assists with topics and speakers, especially for programs that will assist Council in its work. Sheila McGarr mentioned she is already contacting speakers. Gil Baldwin mentioned that GPO identifies emerging issues based on discussions and evaluations completed at DLC meetings. An attendee expressed pleasure that the meeting would be moved to a time other than during National Library Week due to staffing issues.


    1. FDLP Tools on the Web

    Council commends GPO staff for developing and continuing to improve the Federal Depository Library Program administrative services offered via GPO Access. Depository libraries now have easy access to interactive tools for communicating efficiently with GPO, as well as up-to date versions of essential administrative information. These services, which are being developed through cooperative team work within GPO and through creative service partnerships, are a significant benefit to individual libraries and the program.

    No questions were raised by the audience.

    2. Jay Young

    Council commends James D. Young, former Director of Library Programs Service (LPS), for his substantial and significant contributions to the Federal Depository Library Program, on the occasion of his retirement from GPO. As Director of LPS from 1980 to 1982, and again from 1993 to 1998, Mr. Young has been especially effective in strengthening communications between the GPO and the library community. He deliberately and consistently involved librarians in LPS efforts to implement a transition to a more electronic FDLP. Ever ready to bring change through action, Mr. Young reallocated staff internally to create the Electronic Transition Staff, and initiated a highly successful program to bring documents librarians into the GPO as consultants. Mr. Young exhibited a sense of vision and administrative flexibility that has brought out the best in the LPS staff and has nurtured the FDLP.

    This commendation was prepared prior to the Fall Council Meeting so it could be read to Jay before he left GPO. There was applause after the commendation was read.


    1. Internet capability/ability quality (network, backbone, GPO, libraries)

    Council recognizes the importance of the Internet as a primary means for information dissemination and access, and for implementation of GPO Access, the FDLP, and the recently developed Electronic Collection Plan. Accordingly, designated Council members will meet with GPO staff to review current and projected Internet connectivity plans and needs for GPO and the FDLP; methods and metrics for assessing Internet connectivity performance; and, possible follow-up strategies and options. Council anticipates that GPO staff will make a brief report on this topic at the spring 1999 Council meeting.

    No questions were raised by the audience.

    2. Congressional information recommendations

    Designated Council members will follow-up on recommendations #7 (regarding congressional hearings) and #8 (regarding publications of the Congressional Research Service) from the Spring 1998 meeting to discuss with GPO staff possible scenarios proposed in their responses as well as additional strategies and actions to increase the scope of legislative materials available through GPO Access. Council continues to recognize, as a priority for GPO Access, the expanded coverage of congressional publications as part of the core collection of U.S. Government information.

    No questions were raised by the audience.

    3. NCLIS Study

    Council has established a subcommittee on the NCLIS Assessment as part of the Information Exchange Committee.

    Charge: Monitor developments and disseminate to Council members information regarding the GPO/NCLIS Assessment of Electronic Government Information Products.


    No questions were raised by the audience.

    Closing Remarks from GPO
    Closing remarks from GPO began with Fran Buckley mentioning the Sales Program and requesting participation from FDL's in developing guidelines for what to retain in the program. Contact Peggy Walker if you are interested.

    Michael DiMario, Public Printer, made closing remarks encouraging communication between GPO staff and depository libraries to further the program.

    Thank you's were extended by Council to Willie Thompson and Sheila McGarr for their tireless efforts in planning these meetings.

    Tom Andersen expressed his appreciation for the participation of California librarians and to other first time attendees. Tom also encouraged participation at the spring Depository Library Council meeting in Bethesda, MD.

    The fall Depository Library Council meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.


    Respectfully submitted,

    Denise Davis
    January 13, 1999

    [ Back to the Table of Contents ]


    Members, Depository Library Council (1999)

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 1999:

    Thomas K. Andersen
    CLSA Coordinator
    California State Library
    Library Development Services
    P.O. Box 942837
    Sacramento, CA 94237-0001
    (916) 653-7391
    (916) 653-8443 (fax)

    Carol Bednar
    Government Documents Coordinator
    Department of Technical Service
    University Library
    California State University Fullerton
    Fullerton, CA 92634-4150
    (714) 278-7035
    (714) 278-2439 (fax)

    Denise M. Davis
    The Gale Group
    27500 Drake Rd.
    Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535

    Diane Eidelman
    Documents Librarian
    Suffolk Cooperative Library System
    627 North Sunrise Service Rd.
    Bellport, NY 11713
    (516) 286-1600 ext. 325
    (516) 286-1647 (fax)

    Margaret S. Walker
    3130 Millwood Terrace
    Boca Raton, FL 33431

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2000:

    Duncan M. Aldrich
    Head, Business & Government Information Center
    University Libraries
    University of Nevada, Reno
    Reno, NV 89557-0044
    (702) 784-6500 ext. 256
    (702) 784-4398 (fax)

    Mary Alice Baish
    Associate Washington Affairs Representative
    American Association of Law Libraries
    Georgetown University Law Library
    111 G Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20001-1417
    (202) 662-9200
    (202) 662-9202 (fax)

    Diane L. Garner
    Librarian for the Social Sciences for the Harvard
    College Library
    Lamont Library, Level 1
    Harvard University
    Cambridge, MA 02138
    (617) 496-2532
    (617) 496-0440 (fax)

    Gregory W. Lawrence
    Government Information Librarian
    Albert R. Mann Library
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853
    (607) 255-3242
    (607) 255-0318 (fax)

    Julia F. Wallace
    Head, Government Publications
    10 Wilson Library
    University of Minnesota
    309 19th Avenue South
    Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414
    (612) 626-7520
    (612) 626-9353 (fax)

    TERM EXPIRES SEPT. 30, 2001:

    Maggie Farrell
    Associate Dean of Libraries
    Roland R. Renne Library
    Montana State University – Bozeman
    Bozeman, MT 59717-3320
    (406) 994-6474
    (406) 994-2851 (fax)

    Paula Kaczmarek
    Manager, Government Documents
    Detroit Public Library
    5201 Woodward Avenue
    Detroit, MI 48202-4093
    (313) 833-1025
    (313) 833-0156 (fax)

    Donna Koepp
    Department Head
    Government Documents and Map Library
    6001 Malott Hall
    Lawrence, KS 66045-2800
    (785) 864-4660
    (785) 864-5154 (fax)

    GladysAnn Wells
    State Librarian and Director
    Department of Library, Archives,
    and Public Records
    State Capitol, Room 200
    1700 W. Washington
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    Administrative Notes is published in Washington, DC by the Superintendent of Documents, LibraryPrograms Service, Government Printing Office, for the staffs of U.S. Federal Depository Libraries. It is published monthly, onthe 15th day of each month; some months may have additional issues. Postmaster send address changes to:

    The Editor, Administrative Notes
    U.S. Government Printing Office
    Library Programs Service, SLLD
    Washington, DC 20401

    Internet access at URL: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/index.html
    Editor: Marian W. MacGilvray   (202) 512-1119   mmacgilvray@gpo.gov

    A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
    Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
    Last updated: May 10, 2002 
    Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ad020199.html
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