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Tom Brokaw sighting at Ferry Buildings.
Specs is hopping.
Wondering where I can find pinball in Soma, Union Square, Chinatown, or North Beach. I feel like playing the silver ball.
Listening to Bruce Sterling's bully pulpit speech. He's good at snippeting others' commentary!
This is definitely a grilled cheese and tomato soup kinda day!
Wondering, Who is going to be Oakland's Cory Booker?
Jules has a passport! He is a citizen of the world!
Yep. Jules is a bona fide chick magnet.
Beer o'clock!
Didn't shave this morning. Forgot I was going to a client site for sales meeting.
Waiting at the Passport Agency. Our 11am appointment will be lucky to be served by noon.
We are on a date! Jules has a sitter! This is a first! S is terrified!
early to bed....
Turns out Laurel Canyon Blvd is not a good shortcut at 10am.
BUR. Now for an expensive cab ride to W. Hollywood.
Boarding OAK. Heading to BUR.
This is not a good week to get not enough sleep.
Loverly Oaktown-provisioned dinner with @cskott and @monstro. Genova ravioli and It's All Good peach cobbler.