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Got in minor trouble for knocking the kj's sing slip jar over.
@MCHammer I sang 2 Legit 2 Quit at kareoke tonight. Made up a verse about your Twitter presence.
Headed to the Egyption Room for karaoke. Flash mob!
Drunken Pilates contest. Srsly. Girls team is kicking ass.
Full house. Turkey is frying. Sangria and beer whoohoo!
RT @ginatrapani: Say it with me now: It's a sham with yams. Happy Yam Sham everybody! (((I think this is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer quote)))
Luke B stopped by. Kicking it Old Reed style.
The Air Hogs are a dangerous party addition. (thanks Damien Katz for the rec.)
@batkin the proof is in the yumming. Ten minutes left on the timer. Then an eternity until tomorrow's feast.
@davisp BACON Mac in the oven, 365° for 30 - 45 minutes. I had to compromise and use quinoa elbows. Still has 2 lbs of cheese and a 1/2 ... ...
'bout ready to roux this. feels funny adding flour to BACON.
First unplanned maneuver: added Ray's Rad Chilies at the onion and bacon stage.
This mac and cheese will contain BACON.
@marianmacindoe, Claire, and Amanda arrived. I'm should be making mac and cheese, but I'm rubbing Zeus' belly so he won't bark.
@mattetti how many rows in your view query? I have to do count=250 to get as slow as 23 req/sec
@mattetti are you benchmarking just the http requests, the whole rest-client stack, or all of couchrest?
Just deployed some fixes to my Twitter client: time for bed.
I wonder who hid a list of proxies in my open CouchDB? aah... security.
@defunkt like any technology, document.write can be used for good or for eval.
In the battle between Github's embeddable gists, and my Ajax CouchDB blog, the gists are kicking ass. Even Firefox is getting dizzy.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest casey Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd nanek Mr Messina javan Jeremy Hubert Dave Winer Mike Merrill Josh B Stewart Butterfield Brent Mick Liubinskas Jason Watkins Nelson Minar John Beppu Allison Mark Frauenfelder Nick Gerakines Geoffrey Grosenbach Amy Subach Michael Koziarski Ryan Stewart Tantek Çelik David Stone Lee LeFever Greg Stein
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