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Sitting on plane which should be pushing back. I guarantee you some tw@t is late so we all have to sit here like patient sheep.
There should be a rule about not getting up this early...
I so wish I had my hat with me. Slowly fracking freezing to death here....
Metal in my back set off scanners today, maybe because I had to do the full body scanner?!
Boarded in glorious sunshine and snow covered ground. Still a crap way to spend Sunday though
busy day with the birthday boy today, travelling early tomorrow, wont get to play with G25 until Tuesday, at least seat bits will be here 2
The old wingman's days are over, the new G25 is here and itching to be tried
It's here !
At FRACKIN last is all I can say at this point, not the delivery either
I really really really hate having to wait all day for a delivery !!!
Apparently my G25 will arrive tomorrow - shame I got a long conf call and a ton of other work to do.....
@stephtara with any luck he is working on one now :-) I'm back to Neal Asher now
I like Gmail themes (planets for now) and I love PS2 Component, shame only the Yanks get progressive output on GT4 though....
@stephtara I finally finished Pushing Ice - I want to know what happens next and where the middle of the structure is/went/was !
@tnaseem ignore that, just realised it was Call of Duty - Asda were doing it for a few days at that price , finished now
@tnaseem been so long since i looked at twitter i dont know what price you were asking about !!
G25 wheel has been ordered at last and a gear mount to go with it - happy days
conf calls finished for now, document to update and send, checking street view for Paris trip and I'm actually impressed :-)
been to see a new Doc, new advice on how to get back to heal, can only give it a go and see I back to paperwork & politics
been a busy sort of day, managed one driving mission, next one is v.hard but then they all seem that way at first.. drink+lost for tonight