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the stokemonkey is installed and all systems are go. time to see if it can climb the hill.
I, for one, embrace the new pirate nation off the coast of Somalia. That is of course until someone gets hurt.
struck by how normal it feels to be in PDX. coming back from the UK had me in greater culture shock but with being away for less time
picked up my stokemonkey kit. Todd from cleverchimp spent a generous amount of time showing me how to install and operate it
oh the horror. cannot locate alarm dongle to my subie.
preparing for the drive to PDX tomorrow, where I'll be just for a few days.
stoked about ordering a stoke money:
Euclid! My A* code runs in 1/100th of the time it did before your fancy math was applied. Your poetry, however, had no perceived benefit.
preantepenultimate. adjective. three before the end.
i think maybe that was the sound of a small dog getting sacrificed by zealots of some discipline, I'm guessing McCainites.
taking cans to curb = $60 off rent but requires moving the truck. tonight, pulling back in, i ran over $100 in tools.
throwing a slobber covered frisbee
saw slumdog millionaire with Carrie, browsed the manga store, then went on a date with @brother
OH: you need to be cautious, you've had mishaps with relaxing before
here's what a twitter rank of 135 says to me: time to change my password.
my Twitterank is 135.47!
discovered today that only 99.5% of my job is fantastic, a fact accentuated by my 0.5% unfantastic morning. fair enough.
searching for words that describe how I feel about an unpleasant, but important, deed to perform
this morning we clean, for this afternoon is The Finishing of the Lego Millenium Falcon


Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Eric Case veen Eric Costello Ian Hay Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale Buster McLeod Erika Hall Amanda President Monteiro bryan mason Victor lane Aaron Huslage Dan Cederholm Cameron Marlow Cal Henderson Stikkit Geoffrey Grosenbach Meg Hourihan MJ Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik Sam Felder Leonard Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Paul Hammond Sandy
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