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Watching Isle of Wight performances on Palladia (my new fav HD channel). Newsflash: Amy Winehouse is scary.
@ijansch Agreed. Big Bang Theory is one of the better comedies on TV. (but 30 Rocks owns all)
@dramaclub Whoa, that sucks. Hopefully he's feeling better tonight.
Listening to some Smashing Pumkins, excited for the show in KC tonight. Anyone else going?
Watching a Ben Harper concert on HDNet while getting some work done.
@DustinDK Do you have a Touch or an iPhone? Saw on TechCrunch that Street View was left of the Touch update. Boo
Can't get street view working on my Touch. Anyone else having luck with it after the 2.2 update?
@scottdrummond Yeah, the TGUK show was awesome! Prolly in my list of top 5 concerts I've been to.
Wow, 3 days without a tweet. Think that was my longest absence from Twitter in a while.
My officemates are eating bacon-flavored chocolate. Yeah... think I'll pass.
Hooray, @katyeok has relieved me (read: banned me) of laundry duty as I apparently just shrunk 3 sweaters. Whoopsy.
At the Record Bar, waiting for the Get Up Kids to take the stage.
a) Was there ever a Charlie the Unicorn 3 that I just can't find? b) What are we going to do when the ustream pups are gone in a few weeks?
@scottdrummond That makes sense. Not surprising that newspaper comics are a good ol' boy network.
My co-workers are claiming that once I have kids I will appreciate Family Circus. I call BS.
Family Circus is teh suck. Seriously, it is awful. The newspapers need to replace it with XKCD.
Just introduced my office to Charlie the Unicorn. Sadly, I think I'm the only one that finds the humor in it.
@Joey96 Yeah, absolutely. Love Raglan Road!
@ReneeAnn Yeah, sorry about that, Folders will come back when I get time to add them to v3. Election night totally killed v2's server.
At the sprint center waiiting for Coldplay. Fyi... Bice Bistro in the Power & Light district sucks. In fact, they gave us the food for free.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman Jason Shellen seanbonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross Clay Smith Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh sonson Mark Taylor Tim Kersey Coty Rosenblath Tim Scott Beale Chip Hayner Mark Smithivas Josh Bancroft Opie thomasknoll (jeff)isageek Randy Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr.
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