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"The President is a product." Pete Campbell, Mad Men.
is home from Official Friday drinks and settling down with Mad Men on the projector, a spot of dinner and a nice Chilean red.
is at the Grace for Official Friday drinks. Come on down!
Write a wiki in Java in under 4Kb? Sure, why not: @spudbean rocks my world, again!
@200ok That's cool. Anything that you want changed so badly you'll write a user-stylesheet is something I want to know about :)
@tarkasteve Hi, Steve! Old buddy, old pal! Long time, no see, etc etc... We should catch up. Maybe this arvo? Did somebody say Apfelwein? ;)
@200ok Send me a screenshot when you're done. I'll throw it in the mix next time we're looking at that bit of JIRA ;)
@ev Every member of my family is on Twitter except my mother - yet she is the only one who uses it... It's complicated.
@ryan_allen 10kg?! WTF? Did you all share it or something?
@atariboy Mad Men rules! I gasp in offense at least twice an episode but I just can't resist the style, flair and wicked characters :)
loves Just found this fantastic photo on my desktop:
@georgebarnett Nice! At NDM I *nearly* got them into about 5 different interfaces, but they always got scrapped as too hard by weak devs ;)
@georgebarnett Actually, they're called 'sparklines' and I have a man-crush on them:
@waferbaby When somebody volunteers their premises... *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*
reminds everyone about Official Friday drinks at the Grace Hotel from 5pm tonight. Come along to meet some other folks in industry. It's fun
@KainTietzel Every Friday. I'll be there tonight. Come say hi!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams rabble Alissa Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman veen Lane Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Thomas Vander Wal Michael Paul Smith Pat Thor Muller Steve Ganz Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle alan jones Alex Hillman Larry Maxine Sherrin Geoffrey Grosenbach lisa Jeremy Keith Spif Daniel Anson Tantek Çelik Hickensian Aaron Gustafson
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