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@pdxbenjamin cam or is there a screener yet?
@ravenme Congrats. Added to my post of must attend sessions.
Alrighty #nofilterfriday is done and the wifi cafe I'm at is closing (at 5pm on a friday) small town FTL!
@ahockley Indeed Weasel Stomping is a phenomenal song/video
Dear Adobe, we know your engineers are morons (close a browser to update acrobat srsly?!) but please fix it so AIR opens in tabbed browsers!
@znmeb pshaw. My 2 year old son has a Tandy 100 notebook.
Find it hilarious that Apple "innovated" the chiclet keyboard with the newer macbooks. Innovation lifted from Tandy Computers is awesome.
5 minutes left to #nofilterfriday. Sex, drugs, polka, tech anything you want to ask me about is on the table.
@rabbidavid With as much time as I forsee my spending in the future, is there a chance Cubesapce will offer condos soon
@camikaos Think of Raiders quick... a shame George Lucas didn't get the bad dates I mailed him before he started filming 4.
@camikaos Hey it's #nofilterfriday I am obligated to say whatever is on my mind. Didn't you get the memo?
Pdx needs a monthly computer parts market/swap
@mizd They also enjoyed Indiana Jones 4. I covered my opinion of that movie when I was on @strangelovelive :D
15 minutes to get my honest answer to any question you want as part of #nofilterfriday
@camikaos Or he was engaging in popular Belgian Fetish of Smurf Stomping.
@mizd #nofilterfriday That's easy I ecommended "Six String Samurai" a good friend thought it was terrible. Same with book :"House of Leaves"
The Great Portland Interview Experiment on cdcstudios has new content, check it out.
@pixelmatrix Any iphone that is jailbroken can run Qik which allows lifecasting video to the Qik website.
@camikaos oh that explains the tinfoil hat and clown nose then I suppose. Why the blue crocs tho? Does he know/work with @jabancroft?
@djtv I'd argue that many victims of the guillotine died of a sore throat...


Rael Dornfest Josh Bancroft Jacob Reiff photomatt Major Nelson (Larry) andrea_r Scott Kveton Audrey Alex King Brenda Clark Reid Beels bill pearson Don Park jessica* Josh Pyles Chris Brentano Delta Park Project Andrew Ettinger Betsy Richter Ed Borasky Jason Glaspey Will Norris Nabil Maynard shad Wendy Peter Wooley Aaron Hockley Raven Zachary Tim Trautmann B. Hussein Fishbones John Anthony Hartman The Mia Dawn Foster follow me @TiEsQue Chris Coyier Tyler Sticka
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