Keith’s Favorites

Jeff Croft
jcroft My grandma: "You're an American." My 13-year old daughter: "Are you calling me fat?!"
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman My webcock index is 12!
Doug Bowman
stop Argh! Visual design by committee NEVER works; you end up with mediocrity every time. When will my colleagues learn this?
Mark Boulton
markboulton thinking sometimes it's better not to do something clever, innovative, or new. Just do it right.
Jared Christensen
jaredigital I'm thinking of starting this site where lawyers will do a bunch of free legal work for me and then I'll decide who I'll pay for it.
Rob Weychert
cowpiesurprise If aliens visited us during an election year, I wouldn't blame them one bit if they turned the planet into dust.
hotdogsladies Looking for the real "Ultimate Writing Productivity Resource?" Here you go: "Go write. Now. Then do it again tomorrow." There's your "hack."
Patrick Haney
notasausage Tried sending @simmy a direct message, but my iPhone auto-corrected his name to "dummy"
Jared M. Spool
jmspool Nothing makes me happier than to get notification that my best friend, Penis Enhancement, has left a comment on our corporate blog.
Drew McLellan
drewm My Amazon delivery just arrived with a special edition of War and Peace for blind people. EPIC BRAILLE.
Wes We Can
weskimcom @dkr and @twatson - it's part of the new frugality - summer has been reduced 40% this year due to rising fuel costs
Dan Rubin
danrubin "Don't do anything stupid, and don't do anything clever." this should be the mantra of interaction/interface design.
Jeff Croft
jcroft @twatson Or by it's OTHER alternate title: "You might not get laid, but at least you'll have more than two dates with her."
Ryan Sims
simmy Brad's writing a book: "How To Win a Girl's Heart: The Subtle Art of Pleasantries and Small Talk."
Wes We Can
weskimcom Apocalypse Now, eastside edition: Bellevue. I'm in fuckin' Bellevue again. Christ... (cue choppers, Doors music)
Wes We Can
weskimcom if num_tweets_about_crappy_fonts > num_patience_level then kurafire.unfollow, jcroft.unfollow, dope.slap, hair.tear_out, forehead.sma ......
Sarah Harrison
sourjayne My task flow diagrams bring all the boys to the yard
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson It wasn't cheating: I set my Facebook relationship to "it's complicated" five minutes before it happened. Ten minutes later, I set it back.
AJ Vaynerchuk
ajv Never underestimated the power of a chip on one's shoulder.
Will Pate
willpate Lord beer me strength


Mr Messina Hillary Hartley Jeremy Hubert Buster McLeod Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz Kitta Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Gregarious Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Kyle Bradshaw Stephanie Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Joshua Kaufman Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Simon Willison Steve Marshall Doug March Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith
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