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unscheduled maintenance last night and this am—also, the little guy already has a nickname? "Twitterpiller"
@sol no, it just showed up which is totally cool
Oops, the NYT has confused "adding staff" with "cutting staff" Wanna work for Twitter?
Oh—if you don't read Hebrew just click "Translate" on this page: (Twitter has a Universal Translator feature!)
I'm following @netanyahu on Twitter which is surreal but then again I also follow little robots on mars and my best friends
"Leave the gun, take the cannolis"
Hmm, "Crime boss Vito Corleone and his sons rule their New York empire with Mafia justice"—sounds like an interesting film, thanks AMC
today I had the honor of meeting @dunstan's parents—a momentous occasion!
getting some coffee at the >play conference in Berkeley
up making coffee and feeding animals—its windy out there today
remembering that I bumped into @megnut on the street in NYC this morning so now I'm following her on Twitter
feeling stuffed on whatever stew that was and having some wine
Waiting for @Livia to pick me up at OAK so we can go home and have dinner!
at the airport creating slides for tomorrow's talk at Berkeley:
Just called some guys out for cutting the security line but they were @Jetblue pilots!
Shopping for jeans with @jamesaduff creator of The Closer and writer of STTNG!
Getting a soy latte before heading over to the French institute in NYC -- where nothing very French will be taking place
I totally called it--polenta! (with mushrooms)
heading for dinner at a place in NYC that probably thinks vegan is an abomination—will I be shunned? cast out? or worse, served polenta?
Oh no, middle seat!


Jack Dorsey noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Livia Dunstan Shannon Krissy Bush Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins tedr Narendra Niall bryan mason Dave Morin lane Dan Cederholm Pete
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