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OH: "Small cities are the future."
Head spinning. Obsessing over potentially unimportant UI details.
My logo design philosophy: if it looks good on a t-shirt...
is wondering when 'Upright Bass Hero' will be released. Soon please.
Congrats to @rael (and a big win for @twitter):
A swift kick to the office mini fridge fixed the noisy buzz. If only this solution applied to everything in life.
is buying the two latest Blitzen Trapper albums, thanks to the advice of @rustedrobot.
No other spam subject line has driven me crazier than "I will blame you for this". It's been relentless. And it cuts me deep every time.
is about as far behind on email replies as he's ever been in the history of email. More work required first.
@squeezyb Happy Birthday!
Alright this Beyonce 'Ring On It' tune is just damn catchy.
is back from Madagascar 2 with the boy and @KerryM. Thumbs up.
@zeldman I'm calling it the Al Gore Ailment(s).
has his 2nd head cold of the season. Wonderful.
Boy wanted to wear bike helmet to bed again.
digs the iPhone version of Frenzic.
was just tempted by a 19-disc 'Classic Soft Rock' box set. What on earth is wrong with me (for _not_ buying it)?
is installing the iPhone 2.2 update.
Today's spam: "Press here for free Starbucks gift card!" Press?