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is organizing a conference for browser add-ons. Digg this story
is looking at a graph showing the decline in R-rated movies
is starting his 7 day cleanse in prep for Deep Fried Turkey!
is happy that "Yes" was the answer.
is looking forward to date night!
is ready to eat potstickers!
is back home amongst the socialists.
the abondonded missile silos in WA look attractive now that the socialists have taken over Vancouver.
pissed that the socialists have taken control of Vancouver. Time to move?
driving from Spokane to Seattle today looking for the hidden missle silos.
checking out wickedly cool new Google iPhone app does speech-to-search. Great videa
@jhong has been playing with my computer
wondering if the VC model is broken, what will fund startups?
happy with marathon of meetings at IIW. Much goodness.
wondering if there is anything I should present at IIW. Hmmm.
reading how Chris Anderson's long tail has been cut down to size
reading about add-ons coming to Fennec (aka Firefox mobile)
giving a late night Sxipper demo after a some champagne and a dirty martini.
just finished Sxipper demo at Denver meetup


Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Dave McClure Mr Messina Scott Beale Dave Winer Gabe Wachob Greg Stein Auren Hoffman kris krug Scott Kveton Chris DiBona Kevin Marks Sean O'Mahony Brad Fitzpatrick @-_-@ Princess Leia David Recordon Barack Obama Loren Feldman Michael Arrington Ann Glenn Hadar Pedhazur james hong Gregsblog Andre Charland Paul Kedrosky Phil Windley Allen Tom Mike Shaver Jon Udell Joseph Smarr Steve Greenberg Sxipper Jennifer Harland Sanjay Khanna