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                     BILLS THROUGH CONFERENCE


                              FIRST SESSION

H.R. 1--To provide for the implementation of the recommendations of the 
    National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

Senate asked for a conference:
     July 9, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Lieberman, Levin, Akaka, Carper, Pryor, Ms. Collins, Messrs. 
        Voinovich, Coleman, and Coburn.
From the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Messrs. Dodd 
        and Shelby.
From the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation: Messrs. 
        Inouye and Stevens.
From the Committee on Foreign Relations: Messrs. Biden and Lugar.
House agreed to a conference:
     July 17, 2007.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Homeland Security, for consideration of the House 
        bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Ms. Loretta Sanchez of 
        California, Mr. Dicks, Ms. Harman, Mrs. Lowey, Ms. Jackson-Lee 
        of Texas, Mrs. Christensen, Messrs. Etheridge, Langevin, 
        Cuellar, Al Green of Texas, Perlmutter, King of New York, Smith 
        of Texas, Souder, Tom Davis of Virginia, Daniel E. Lungren of 
        California, Rogers of Alabama, McCaul of Texas, Dent, and Ms. 
        Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida
From the Committee on Armed Services, for consideration of secs. 1202, 
        1211, 1221, 1232, 1233, and 1241 of the House bill, and section 
        703 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Skelton, Spratt, and Saxton.
From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for consideration of Title I, 
        Title II, secs. 743 and 901 of the House bill, and Title III, 
        secs. 1002, 1481, 1482, 1484, and Title XVII of the Senate 
        amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. 
        Dingell, Markey, and Barton of Texas.
From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for consideration of secs. 601, 
        1202, 1211, 1221, 1222, 1232, 1233, 1241, 1302, 1311, 1312, 
        1322, 1323, 1331-1333, 1412, 1414, 1422, 1431, and 1441-1443 of 
        the House bill, and secs. 502, 1301, Title XVIII, secs. 1911-
        1913, and 1951 of the Senate amendment, and modifications 
        committed to conference: Messrs. Lantos, Ackerman, and Ms. Ros-
From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 406, 
        501, 601, 702, and Title VIII of the House bill, and secs. 123, 
        501-503, 601-603, 1002, and 1432 of the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Mr. Conyers, Ms. Zoe 
        Lofgren of California, and Mr. Sensenbrenner.
From the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, for consideration 
        of sec. 408 and subtitle A of title VIII of the House bill, and 
        secs. 114, 601, 602, 903, 904, 1203, 1205, and 1601 of the 
        Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Waxman, Clay, and Issa.
From the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, for consideration 
        of secs. 601, 712, 723, 732, 733, 741, 742, and subtitle A of 
        title VIII of the House bill, and secs. 111-113, 121, 122, 131, 
        502, 601, 602, 703, 1201-1203, 1205, 1206, and 1606 of the 
        Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Reyes, Cramer, and Hoekstra.
From the Committee on Science and Technology, for consideration of secs. 
        703, 1301, 1464, 1467, and 1507 of the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Gordon, Wu, and 
From the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for 
        consideration of Titles I-III, sec. 1002, and Title XI of the 
        House bill, and secs. 202, 301, Title IV, secs. 801-803, 807, 
        901, 1001, 1002, 1101-1103, 1422-1424, 1426, 1427, 1429, 1430, 
        1433, 1436-1438, 1441, 1443, 1444, 1446, 1449, 1464, 1473, 1503, 
        and 1605 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Oberstar, DeFazio, and Mica.
For consideration of Title II of the House bill, and Title III and 
        subtitle C of title XIV of the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Mr. Larson of 
House Report filed:
    July 25, 2007; Rept. 110-259.
Report agreed to in Senate:
July 26, 2007.
Report agreed to in House:
July 27, 2007.
Presented to the President Aug. 1, 2007.
(Approved Aug. 3, 2007; Public Law 110-53.)

    H.R. 1429--To reauthorize the Head Start Act, to improve program 
           quality, to expand access, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     June 19, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Bingaman, Mrs. Murray, 
        Mr. Reed, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Obama, Sanders, Brown, Enzi, 
        Gregg, Alexander, Burr, Isakson, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Hatch, 
        Roberts, Allard, and Coburn.
House agreed to a conference:
     Nov. 6, 2007.

House Conferees:

Messrs. George Miller of California, Kildee, Ms. Woolsey, Messrs. Davis 
        of Illinois, Grijalva, Ms. Linda T. Sanchez of California, 
        Messrs. Sarbanes, Sestak, Loebsack, Mses. Hirono, Shea-Porter, 
        Messrs. McKeon, Castle, Fortuno, Bishop of Utah, Keller, Wilson 
        of South Carolina, Boustany, and Heller.
House Report filed:
    Nov. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-439.
Report agreed to in House:
Nov. 14, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Nov. 14, 2007.
Presented to the President Dec. 5, 2007.
 (Approved Dec. 12, 2007; Public Law 110-134.)

H.R. 1495--To provide for the conservation and development of water and 
 related resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct 
 various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United 
                     States, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     May 16, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

May 17, 2007.
Mrs. Boxer, Messrs. Baucus, Lieberman, Carper, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. 
        Lautenberg, Inhofe, Warner, Voinovich, Isakson, and Vitter.
House agreed to a conference:
     July 25, 2007.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for 
        consideration of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Mr. Oberstar, Ms. Eddie 
        Bernice Johnson of Texas, Mrs. Tauscher, Messrs. Baird, Higgins, 
        Mitchell, Kagen, McNerney, Mica, Duncan, Ehlers, Baker, Brown of 
        South Carolina, and Boozman.
From the Committee on Natural Resources, for consideration of secs. 
        2014, 2023, and 6009 of the House bill, and secs. 3023, 5008, 
        and 5016 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Mr. Rahall, Mmes. Napolitano, and McMorris Rodgers.
House Report filed:
    July 31, 2007; Rept. 110-280.
Report agreed to in House:
Aug. 1, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Sept. 24, 2007.
Presented to the President Oct. 23, 2007.
Vetoed Nov. 2, 2007.
In House, passed over Presidential veto Nov. 6, 2007.
In Senate, passed over Presidential veto Nov. 8, 2007.
(Became Public Law 110-114 without approval Nov. 9, 2007.)

H.R. 1585--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for military 
activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military personnel 
         strengths for fiscal year 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Oct. 1, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Levin, Kennedy, Byrd, Lieberman, Reed, Akaka, Nelson of Florida, 
        Nelson of Nebraska, Bayh, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Pryor, Webb, Ms. 
        Mccaskill, Messrs. McCain, Warner, Inhofe, Sessions, Ms. 
        Collins, Messrs. Chambliss, Graham, Mrs. Dole, Messrs. Cornyn, 
        Thune, Martinez, and Corker.
House agreed to a conference:
     Dec. 5, 2007.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Armed Services, for consideration of the House 
        bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Skelton, Spratt, Ortiz, Taylor, Abercrombie, 
        Reyes, Snyder, Smith of Washington, Ms. Loretta Sanchez of 
        California, Mr. McIntyre, Mrs. Tauscher, Messrs. Brady of 
        Pennsylvania, Andrews, Mrs. Davis of California, Messrs. Larsen 
        of Washington, Cooper, Marshall, Ms. Bordallo, Messrs. Udall of 
        Colorado, Hunter, Saxton, McHugh, Everett, Bartlett of Maryland, 
        McKeon, Thornberry, Jones of North Carolina, Hayes, Akin, 
        Forbes, Wilson of South Carolina, Turner, Kline of Minnesota, 
        and Mrs. Drake.
From the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, for consideration 
        of matters within the jurisdiction of that committee under 
        clause 11 of rule X: Messrs. Boswell, Patrick Murphy of 
        Pennsylvania, Hoekstra.
From the Committee on Education and Labor, for consideration of secs. 
        561, 562, 675, 953, and 3118 of the House bill, and secs. 561, 
        562, 564, 565, and 3137 of the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Messrs. George Miller of 
        California, Courtney, and Walberg.
From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for consideration of secs. 
        311-313 and 1082 of the Senate amendment, and modifications 
        committed to conference: Messrs. Dingell, Wynn, and Barton of 
From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for consideration of secs. 831, 
        833, 1022, 1201, 1203, 1204, 1206-1208, 1221, 1222, 1231, 1241, 
        1242, Title XIII, and sec. 3117 of the House bill, and secs. 
        871, 934, 1011, 1201-1203, 1205, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1217, 
        1219, 1232, Title XIII, secs. 1511, 1512, 1532, 1533, 1539-1542, 
        1571, 1574-1576, 1579, 3134, and 3139 of the Senate amendment, 
        and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Lantos, 
        Ackerman, and Ms. Ros-Lehtinen.
From the Committee on Homeland Security, for consideration of sec. 1076 
        of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Thompson of Mississippi, Carney, and Daniel 
        E. Lungren of Califor nia.
From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 582, 
        672, 673, and 850 of the House bill, and secs. 824, 1023, 1024, 
        1078, 1087, 1571-1574, 1576, 1577, 1579, and Title LII of the 
        Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Conyers, Berman, and Smith of Texas.
From the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, for consideration 
        of secs. 325, 326, 328-330, 604, 653, 674, 801, 802, 814, 815, 
        821-824, 1101-1112, 1221, 1231, and 1451 of the House bill, and 
        secs. 366-370, 603, 684, 821, 823, 842, 845, 846, 871, 902, 937, 
        1064, 1069, 1074, 1093, 1101-1106, 1108, 1540, 1542, and 2851 of 
        the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Waxman, Towns, and Tom Davis of Virginia.
From the Committee on Science and Technology, for consideration of secs. 
        846, 1085, and 1088 of the Senate amendment, and modifications 
        committed to conference: Mr. Gordon, Ms. Giffords, and Mr. 
From the Committee on Small Business, for consideration of secs. 828, 
        1085, 1088, 4001, 4002, 4101-4103, 4201-4203, and 4301-4305 of 
        the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Ms. Velazquez, Messrs. Altmire, and Chabot.
From the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for 
        consideration of secs. 523 and 1048 of the House bill, and secs. 
        311-313, 353, 1070, 2853, 2855, 2863, 5101, 5202, and 5208 of 
        the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Oberstar, Costello, and Graves.
From the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, for consideration of secs. 525, 
        1421, 1433, and 1453 of the House bill, and secs. 701, 710, 
        1084, 1611, 1612, 1621, 1626, 1634, 1641, 1654, 1662, and 1702-
        1712 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Filner, Michaud, and Buyer.
From the Committee on Ways and Means, for consideration of sec. 536 of 
        the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Rangel, Stark, and Camp of Michigan.
House Report filed:
    Dec. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-477.
Report agreed to in House:
Dec. 12, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Dec. 14, 2007.
Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007.
Vetoed Dec. 28, 2007.
In House, veto referred to Armed Services Jan. 15, 2008.

 H.R. 1591--Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal 
         year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Mar. 29, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Byrd, Inouye, Leahy, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Kohl, Mrs. 
        Murray, Mr. Dorgan, Mrs. Feinstein, Messrs. Durbin, Johnson, Ms. 
        Landrieu, Messrs. Reed, Lautenberg, Nelson of Nebraska, Cochran, 
        Stevens, Specter, Domenici, Bond, Shelby, Gregg, Bennett, Craig, 
        Mrs. Hutchison, Messrs. Brown, Allard, Alexander, and Grassley.
House agreed to a conference:
     Apr. 19, 2007.

House Conferees:

Mr. Obey, Ms. DeLauro, Messrs. Murtha, Visclosky, Mrs. Lowey, Ms. 
        Kilpatrick, Messrs. Dicks, Edwards, Mollohan, Olver, Serrano, 
        Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Messrs. Clyburn, Lewis of California, 
        Young of Florida, Rogers of Kentucky, Wolf, Walsh of New York, 
        Hobson, Knollenberg, Kingston, Frelinghuysen, and Wicker.
House Report filed:
    Apr. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-107.
Report agreed to in House:
Apr. 25, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Apr. 26, 2007.
Presented to the President May 1, 2007.
Vetoed May 1, 2007.
House sustained Presidential veto May 2, 2007.
In House, veto referred to Appropriations May 2, 2007.

    H.R. 2082--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for 
 intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States 
     Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central 
  Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other 

Senate asked for a conference:
     Oct. 3, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Mr. Rockefeller, Mrs. Feinstein, Messrs. Wyden, Bayh, Ms. Mikulski, 
        Messrs. Feingold, Nelson of Florida, Whitehouse, Bond, Warner, 
        Hagel, Chambliss, Hatch, Ms. Snowe, and Mr. Burr.
As additional conferees:
Messrs. Levin and Kyl.
House agreed to a conference:
     Dec. 4, 2007.

House Conferees:

From the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, for consideration 
        of the House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications 
        committed to conference: Messrs. Reyes, Hastings of Florida, 
        Boswell, Cramer, Ms. Eshoo, Messrs. Holt, Ruppersberger, 
        Tierney, Thompson of California, Ms. Schakowsky, Messrs. 
        Langevin, Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania, Hoekstra, Everett, 
        Gallegly, Mrs. Wilson of New Mexico, Messrs. Thornberry, McHugh, 
        Tiahrt, Rogers of Michigan, and Issa.
From the Committee on Armed Services, for consideration of defense 
        tactical intelligence and related activities: Messrs. Skelton, 
        Spratt, and Hunter.
House Report filed:
    Dec. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-478.
Report agreed to in House:
Dec. 13, 2007.
Conference report considered in Senate:
    Feb. 11, 2008.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Feb. 13, 2008.
Presented to the President Feb. 29, 2008.
Vetoed Mar. 8, 2008.
House sustained Presidential veto Mar. 11, 2008.
In House, veto referred to Intelligence Mar. 11, 2008.

 H.R. 2206--Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal 
         year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     May 17, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Byrd, Inouye, Reid, Cochran, and McConnell.
House agreed to Senate amendment with an amendment May 24, 2007.
Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment
    May 24, 2007.
Presented to the President May 25, 2007.
(Approved May 25, 2007; Public Law 110-28.)

H.R. 2272--To invest in innovation through research and development, and 
          to improve the competitiveness of the United States.

Senate asked for a conference:
     July 19, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Bingaman, Inouye, Kennedy, Lieberman, Ms. Mikulski, Messrs. 
        Kerry, Nelson of Florida, Domenici, Stevens, Enzi, Alexander, 
        Ensign, and Coleman.
House agreed to a conference:
     July 31, 2007.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Science and Technology, for consideration of the 
        House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed 
        to conference: Messrs. Gordon, Lipinski, Baird, Wu, Lampson, 
        Udall of Colorado, Ms. Giffords, Messrs. McNerney, Hall of 
        Texas, Sensenbrenner, Ehlers, Mrs. Biggert, Messrs. Feeney, and 
From the Committee on Education and Labor, for consideration of Division 
        C of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. George Miller of California, Holt, and 
House Report filed:
    Aug. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-289.
Report agreed to in House:
Aug. 2, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Aug. 2, 2007.
Presented to the President Aug. 4, 2007.
(Approved Aug. 9, 2007; Public Law 110-69.)

  H.R. 2419--To provide for the continuation of agricultural programs 
            through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Dec. 14, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Feb. 4, 2008.
Messrs. Harkin, Leahy, Conrad, Baucus, Mrs. Lincoln, Ms. Stabenow, 
        Messrs. Chambliss, Lugar, Cochran, Roberts, and Grassley.
House agreed to a conference:
     Apr. 9, 2008.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Agriculture, for consideration of the House bill 
        (except title XII) and the Senate amendment (except secs. 12001, 
        12201-12601, and 12701-12808), and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Peterson of Minnesota, Holden, McIntyre, 
        Etheridge, Boswell, Baca, Cardoza, Scott of Georgia, Goodlatte, 
        Lucas, Moran of Kansas, Hayes, Mrs. Musgrave, and Mr. 
From the Committee on Education and Labor, for consideration of secs. 
        4303 and 4304 of the House bill, and secs. 4901-4905, 4911, and 
        4912 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Mr. George Miller of California, Mrs. McCarthy of 
        New York, and Mr. Platts.
From the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for consideration of secs. 
        6012, 6023, 6024, 6028, 6029, 9004, 9005, and 9017 of the House 
        bill, and secs. 6006, 6012, 6110-6112, 6202, 6302, 7044, 7049, 
        7307, 7507, 9001, 11060, 11072, 11087, and 11101-11103 of the 
        Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Dingell, Pallone, and Barton of Texas.
From the Committee on Financial Services, for consideration of sec. 
        11310 of the House bill, and secs. 6501-6505, 11068, and 13107 
        of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Mr. Kanjorski, Ms. Waters, and Mr. Bachus.
From the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for consideration of secs. 3001-
        3008, 3010-3014, and 3016 of the House bill, and secs. 3001-
        3022, 3101-3107, and 3201-3204 of the Senate amendment, and 
        modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Berman, Sherman, 
        and Ms. Ros-Lehtinen.
From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 11102, 
        11312, and 11314 of the House bill, and secs. 5402, 10103, 
        10201, 10203, 10205, 11017, 11069, 11076, 13102, and 13104 of 
        the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: 
        Messrs. Conyers, Scott of Virginia, and Smith of Texas.
From the Committee on Natural Resources, for consideration of secs. 
        2313, 2331, 2341, 2405, 2607, 2607A, 2611, 5401, 6020, 7033, 
        7311, 8101, 8112, 8121-8127, 8204, 8205, 11063, and 11075 of the 
        Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Mr. 
        Rahall, Ms. Bordallo, and Mrs. McMorris Rodgers.
From the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, for consideration 
        of secs. 1501 and 7109 of the House bill, and secs. 7020, 7313, 
        7314, 7316, 7502, 8126, 8205, and 10201 of the Senate amendment, 
        and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. Waxman, 
        Towns, and Jordan.
From the Committee on Science and Technology, for consideration of secs. 
        4403, 9003, 9006, 9010, 9015, 9019, and 9020 of the House bill, 
        and secs. 7039, 7051, 7315, 7501, and 9001 of the Senate 
        amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. 
        Gordon, Lampson, and McCaul of Texas.
From the Committee on Small Business, for consideration of subtitle D of 
        title XI of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Ms. Velazquez, Messrs. Shuler, and Chabot.
From the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for 
        consideration of secs. 2203, 2301, 6019, and 6020 of the House 
        bill, and secs. 2604, 6029, 6030, 6034, and 11087 of the Senate 
        amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Mr. 
        Oberstar, Ms. Norton, and Mr. Graves.
From the Committee on Ways and Means, for consideration of sec. 1303 and 
        title XII of the House bill, and secs. 12001-12601, and 12701-
        12808 of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to 
        conference: Messrs. Rangel, Pomeroy, and McCrery.
For consideration of the House bill (except title XII) and the Senate 
        amendment (except secs. 12001, 12201-12601, and 12701-12808), 
        and modifications committed to conference: Ms. DeLauro and Mr. 
House Report filed:
    May 13, 2008; Rept. 110-627.
Report agreed to in House:
May 14, 2008.
Conference report considered in Senate:
    May 14, 2008.
Report agreed to in Senate:
May 15, 2008.
Presented to the President May 20, 2008.
Vetoed May 21, 2008.
In House, passed over Presidential veto May 21, 2008.
In Senate, passed over Presidential veto May 22, 2008.
(Became Public Law 110-234 without approval May 22, 2008.)

    H.R. 2642--Making appropriations for military construction, the 
Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year 
           ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Sept. 6, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Johnson, Inouye, Ms. Landrieu, Mr. Byrd, Mrs. Murray, Messrs. 
        Reed, Nelson of Nebraska, Leahy, Mrs. Hutchison, Messrs. Craig, 
        Brownback, Allard, McConnell, Bennett, and Cochran.
House agreed to Senate amendment with amendments May 15, 2008.
 Senate agreed to House amendment No. 1 to Senate amendment with 
    amendment May 22, 2008.
Senate agreed to House amendment No. 2 to Senate amendment with 
    amendment May 22, 2008.
House agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment No 1 to Senate 
    amendment June 19, 2008.
House agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment No 2 to Senate 
    amendment with amendment June 19, 2008.
Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment to House amendment 
    No 2 to Senate amendment June 26, 2008.
Presented to the President June 27, 2008.
(Approved June 30, 2008; Public Law 110-252.)

H.R. 2669--To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 601 of the 
        concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008.

Senate asked for a conference:
     July 20 (Legislative day of July 19), 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Bingaman, Mrs. Murray, 
        Mr. Reed, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Obama, Sanders, Brown, Enzi, 
        Gregg, Alexander, Burr, Isakson, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Hatch, 
        Roberts, Allard, and Coburn.
House agreed to a conference:
     Sept. 4, 2007.

House Conferees:

Messrs. George Miller of California, Andrews, Scott of Virginia, 
        Hinojosa, Tierney, Wu, Mrs. Davis of California, Messrs. Davis 
        of Illinois, Bishop of New York, Ms. Hirono, Messrs. Altmire, 
        Yarmuth, Courtney, McKeon, Keller, Mrs. McMorris Rodgers, Ms. 
        Foxx, Messrs. Kuhl of New York, Walberg, Souder, Ehlers, Mrs. 
        Biggert, and Mr. Price of Georgia.
House Report filed:
    Sept. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-317.
Conference report considered in Senate:
    Sept. 6, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Sept. 7, 2007.
Report agreed to in House:
Sept. 7, 2007.
Presented to the President Sept. 19, 2007.
(Approved Sept. 27, 2007; Public Law 110-84.)

 H.R. 2764--Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign 
 operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 
                    30, 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Sept. 6, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Leahy, Inouye, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Messrs. Durbin, Johnson, 
        Ms. Landrieu, Messrs. Reed, Byrd, Gregg, McConnell, Specter, 
        Bennett, Bond, Brown, Alexander, and Cochran.
House agreed to Senate amendment with 1st House amendment Dec. 17, 2007.
House agreed to Senate amendment with 2nd House amendment Dec. 17, 2007.
Senate agreed to 2nd House amendment to Senate amendment with amendment 
    by Yea-Nay Vote: 70 - 25 (Roll No. 439)
    Dec. 18, 2007.
Senate agreed to 1st House amendment to Senate amendment by Yea-Nay 
    Vote: 76 - 17 (Roll No. 441)
    Dec. 18, 2007.
House agreed to Senate amendment to 2nd House amendment to Senate 
    amendment Dec. 19, 2007.
Presented to the President Dec. 24, 2007.
(Approved Dec. 26, 2007; Public Law 110-161.)

 H.R. 3043--Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health 
 and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal 
         year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Oct. 23, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Harkin, Inouye, Kohl, Mrs. Murray, Ms. Landrieu, Messrs. Durbin, 
        Reed, Lautenberg, Byrd, Specter, Cochran, Gregg, Craig, Mrs. 
        Hutchison, Messrs. Stevens, Shelby, and Domenici.
House agreed to a conference:
     Oct. 31, 2007.

House Conferees:

Mr. Obey, Mrs. Lowey, Ms. DeLauro, Messrs. Jackson of Illinois, Kennedy, 
        Mses. Roybal-Allard, Lee, Messrs. Udall of New Mexico, Honda, 
        Ms. McCollum of Minnesota, Messrs. Ryan of Ohio, Murtha, 
        Edwards, Walsh of New York, Regula, Peterson of Pennsylvania, 
        Weldon of Florida, Simpson, Rehberg, Young of Florida, Wicker, 
        and Lewis of California.
House Report filed:
    Nov. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-424.
Report agreed to in House:
Nov. 6, 2007.
Senate receded from its amendment to the bill and agreed with a further 
    amendment Nov. 7, 2007.

  H.R. 3093--Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and 
 Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending 
               September 30, 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Oct. 16, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Ms. Mikulski, Messrs. Inouye, Leahy, Kohl, Harkin, Dorgan, Mrs. 
        Feinstein, Messrs. Reed, Lautenberg, Byrd, Shelby, Gregg, 
        Stevens, Domenici, McConnell, Mrs. Hutchison, Messrs. Brownback, 
        Alexander, and Cochran.
House agreed to a conference:
     Nov. 8, 2007.

House Conferees:

Messrs. Mollohan, Kennedy, Fattah, Ruppersberger, Schiff, Honda, Ms. 
        DeLauro, Messrs. Price of North Carolina, Obey, Frelinghuysen, 
        Culberson, Rogers of Kentucky, Latham, Aderholt, and Lewis of 
The conferees on the part of the House are discharged and H.R. 3093 is 
    laid on the table pursuant to H. Res. 860
    Dec. 12, 2007.

 H.R. 3222--Making appropriations for the Department of Defense for the 
     fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Oct. 3, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Inouye, Byrd, Leahy, Harkin, Dorgan, Durbin, Mrs. Feinstein, Ms. 
        Mikulski, Mr. Kohl, Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Stevens, Cochran, 
        Specter, Domenici, Bond, McConnell, Shelby, Gregg, and Mrs. 
House agreed to a conference:
     Nov. 5, 2007.

House Conferees:

Messrs. Murtha, Dicks, Visclosky, Moran of Virginia, Ms. Kaptur, Messrs. 
        Cramer, Boyd of Florida, Rothman, Bishop of Georgia, Obey, Young 
        of Florida, Hobson, Frelinghuysen, Tiahrt, Wicker, Kingston, and 
        Lewis of California.
House Report filed:
    Nov. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-434.
Report agreed to in House:
Nov. 8, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
Nov. 8, 2007.
Presented to the President Nov. 9, 2007.
(Approved Nov. 13, 2007; Public Law 110-116.)

 S. Con. Res. 21--Setting forth the congressional budget for the United 
  States Government for fiscal year 2008 and including the appropriate 
      budgetary levels for fiscal years 2007 and 2009 through 2012.

House asked for a conference:
     May 8, 2007.

House Conferees:

Mr. Spratt, Ms. DeLauro, Messrs. Edwards, Ryan of Wisconsin, and Barrett 
        of South Carolina.
Senate agreed to a conference:
     May 9, 2007.

Senate Conferees:

Mr. Conrad, Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Wyden, Gregg, and Domenici.
House Report filed:
    May 16, 2007; Rept. 110-153.
Report agreed to in House:
May 17, 2007.
Report agreed to in Senate:
May 17, 2007.


                             SECOND SESSION

  H.R. 4040--To establish consumer product safety standards and other 
   safety requirements for children's products and to reauthorize and 
            modernize the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Senate asked for a conference:
     Apr. 29, 2008.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Inouye, Pryor, Mrs. Boxer, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. 
        Hutchison, and Mr. Sununu.
House agreed to a conference:
     May 14, 2008.

House Conferees:

Messrs. Dingell, Waxman, Rush, Mses. DeGette, Schakowsky, Messrs. Barton 
        of Texas, Whitfield of Kentucky, and Stearns.
House Report filed:
    July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-787.
Report agreed to in House under suspension of the rules:
July 30, 2008.
Report agreed to in Senate:
July 31, 2008.
Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008.
(Approved Aug. 14, 2008; Public Law 110-314.)

H.R. 4137--To amend and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for 
                             other purposes.

Senate asked for a conference:
     July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Bingaman, Mrs. Murray, 
        Mr. Reed, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Obama, Sanders, Brown, Enzi, 
        Gregg, Alexander, Burr, Isakson, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Hatch, 
        Roberts, Allard, and Coburn.
Messrs. Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Bingaman, Mrs. Murray, 
        Mr. Reed, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Obama, Sanders, Brown, Enzi, 
        Gregg, Alexander, Burr, Isakson, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Hatch, 
        Roberts, Allard, and Coburn.
Senate asked for a conference:
     July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008.

Senate Conferees:

Messrs. Kennedy, Dodd, Harkin, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Bingaman, Mrs. Murray, 
        Mr. Reed, Mrs. Clinton, Messrs. Obama, Sanders, Brown, Enzi, 
        Gregg, Alexander, Burr, Isakson, Ms. Murkowski, Messrs. Hatch, 
        Roberts, Allard, and Coburn.
House agreed to a conference:
     July 29, 2008.

House Conferees:

From the Committee on Education and Labor, for consideration of the 
        House bill and the Senate amendment, and modifications committed 
        to conference: Messrs. George Miller of California, Hinojosa, 
        Tierney, Wu, Bishop of New York, Altmire, Yarmuth, Courtney, 
        Andrews, Scott of Virginia, Mrs. Davis of California, Mr. Davis 
        of Illinois, Ms. Hirono, Messrs. Keller, Petri, Mrs. McMorris 
        Rodgers, Ms. Foxx, Messrs. Kuhl of New York, Walberg, Castle, 
        Souder, Ehlers, Mrs. Biggert, and Mr. McKeon.
From the Committee on the Judiciary, for consideration of secs. 951 and 
        952 of the House bill, and secs. 951 and 952 of the Senate 
        amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Mr. 
        Conyers, Ms. Waters, and Mr. Gohmert.
From the Committee on Science and Technology, for consideration of secs. 
        961 and 962 of the House bill, and sec. 804 of the Senate 
        amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Messrs. 
        Gordon, Baird, and Neugebauer.
House Report filed:
    July 30, 2008; Rept. 110-803.
Report agreed to in House:
July 31, 2008.
Report agreed to in Senate:
July 31, 2008.
Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008.
(Approved Aug. 14, 2008; Public Law 110-315.)

 S. Con. Res. 70--Setting forth the congressional budget for the United 
  States Government for fiscal year 2009 and including the appropriate 
      budgetary levels for fiscal years 2008 and 2010 through 2013.

House asked for a conference:
     May 14, 2008.

House Conferees:

Mr. Spratt, Ms. DeLauro, Messrs. Edwards, Ryan of Wisconsin, and Barrett 
        of South Carolina.
Senate agreed to a conference:
     May 15, 2008.

Senate Conferees:

Mr. Conrad, Mrs. Murray, Messrs. Wyden, Gregg, and Domenici.
House Report filed:
    May 20, 2008; Rept. 110-659.
Report agreed to in Senate:
June 4, 2008.
Report agreed to in House:
June 5, 2008.

