President's Webcast

President Schmidly talks to the campus community regarding current economic issues.

Friday, November 21, 2008

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News and Events

Hanging of the Greens Set for Friday, Dec. 5

Scholes Hall LuminariasPresident and Mrs. David J. Schmidly cordially invite you to join them and the entire UNM Community for one of our oldest and most beloved campus traditions ~ Hanging of the Greens on Friday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m. at University House.

UNM Collaboration Creates “Roach Motel™” for Dangerous Bacteria

Roach MotelIt’s a trap. Bacteria approach tiny microscopic spheres on a sterilized surface of a medical device. They are drawn into the hollow spheres where light is turned on them, pulling the trigger on a chemical reaction. They start to die. UNM Research Professor in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering and the Center for Biomedical Engineering David Whitten and University of Florida Professor of Chemistry Kirk Schanze have spent the last decade working on electricity-conducting polymers.

New Mexico EPSCoR Awarded $17.5 Million in Grants for Three Projects

NM EPSCoRFunding to aid New Mexico’s higher education research institutions including UNM

Three grants, totaling more than $17.5 million, were recently awarded to New Mexico Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NM EPSCoR) through the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.