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Attempting to steam an artichoke. Benefit of vegetable delivery service is learning to cook whatever they give you.
Thanks to @aniero, I added a Unicode skull and crossbones to my prompt to show uncommitted Git changes:
I looted the unicode right arrow from @jbarnette's terminal prompt: Snowman next?
Netflix instant streaming for Mac. Awesome.
iPhone 2.2 Google search still goes to main site instead of mobile-specific or equivalent. Lame.
"@tenderlove added @_why to nokogiri one minute ago." Is this the end of Hpricot?
Everyblock does Seattle now!
@rbates I use Mike Clark's stakeout.rb script to watch a list of files and run an arbitrary command.
I would buy an iPhone game that gave me a powerup every time Mobile Safari crashed. I would be invincible.
@probablycorey Thanks a lot. I was wondering how long it would take for some joker to try that.
Screenshots of sites mentioned on Twitter. Will post code later. Would someone do an RSS reader for me?
Hacked out a Merb + DataMapper app to show screenshots of sites mentioned on Twitter by those I follow.
Contemplated purchase of Flip Mino HD. Went with Panasonic TZ5 with HD video option.
Local Norwegian specialty shop attempts to increase revenue by rescinding 10% senior discount, thereby losing its main fanbase. FAIL
I'd like to love you, Sony, why do you treat me so bad? $116 to replace the battery in my Sony Reader?!!!
iPhone developers: Please use the simulator to film your promo screencast instead of holding the device in front of a blurry camera.
Is it just me, or is this the best user group website in the history of time? (design by @veganstraightedge)
Protip: Use Southwest curb checkin if the indoor lines are long. You can check bags and get a boarding pass, usually with no wait.
If you're at #rubyconf, I have a few men's PeepCode shirts in XL and XXL, or women's S/M/L/XL. Free!
@steveeichert I like beanstalk. Whatever you do, you should use runnit to manage the extra worker processes.


rabble Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Manton Reece Justin Williams jd J Chris Anderson Jon Larkowski Jeremy Hubert Buster McLeod Blake Burris Michael Buffington Lars Pind Jonathan Wight Sarah Hatter John Nunemaker Brian Eng Dan Cederholm James Andrews Pat John Hornbaker Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Robert S Andersen Dan Benjamin Alex Hillman Jason Watkins Lachlan Hardy Matt Pelletier Brad Pauly Michael Ivey lisa Michael Koziarski Hickensian Garrett Murray
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