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Go Green! Monthly Newsletter

America is shifting to a "green culture" where all 300 million citizens are embracing the fact that environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility. To help, you can sign up to receive EPA's new consumer newsletter, GO GREEN!

EPA launched this monthly email newsletter to provide "what you can do" information about activities and events that we can use in our homes, communities, and offices. Sign up for this newsletter.

2008 Archive

December 2008

Buy rechargeable batteries
Keep on recycling, conserve natural resources
Remember Mother Earth this Holiday Season
Buying a new home? Go blue.
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

November 2008

Shop for an energy-efficient TV
Car shop with the 09 Fuel Economy Guide
Wipe out lead poisoning
Slay your energy vampires
Use eGrid to check air emissions
Students - learn about climate change
Winners of the Rachel Carson Contest
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

October 2008

Buy or switch to energy efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs. Look for the Energy Star label.
Prevent poisoning in your home.
No need to trash your TV.
Bring your green to work.
Get ready - World Water Monitoring Day, October 18.
Shop at a "Greenchill" grocery store.
Read about environmental conditions.
EPA.gov is YOUR Web site.
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

Also in October:
  "Change The World" Energy Star Campaign
  Children's Health Month
  Poison Prevention Week

September 2008

Help recognize clean air.
Greenscape your yard.
Sign up for air quality messages in Louisiana.
Kids! Find the healthiest fish to eat.
Sneak peek at the revised EPA home page.
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

August 2008

Allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn
Recycle your old cell phone
Look for the Smartway label on new and user vehicles
Dispose of trash properly and help keep the oceans clean
Get public service safety messages
Vote in the Rachel Carson "Sense of Wonder" contest
Reduce mosquito pests
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

July 2008

July is UV Safety Month
Save on cooling costs with a programmable thermostat
Water saving homes are coming soon
Don't top off!
Get help for your business on climate change
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week

June 2008

Prepare for a hurricane before it strikes
Green your lawn and garden
Check beach water quality
Get information in Korean and Vietnamese
Enter the Rachel Carson contest (deadline June 16)
Join the Greenversation - Question of the Week
Ask EPA - June 23

May 2008

Chat us up: Have a Greenversation
Check your air quality before you go
Plug-in to eCycling
Join the crowd - help fight climate change
Pledge to fight climate change wtih Energy Star
Help your school - online compliance tool for colleges
See - winners of the 2008 Earth Day Photo Contest
Enter the Rachel Carson contest

April 2008

Beginning April 1: Get tips for things you can do to help protect the environment
April 1 - 15: Vote for Earth Day Photo Contest finalists
April 22 - Celebrate Earth Day!
Help your community tap into energy savings
Play it safe, prevent poisonings, lock up pesticides
Enter the Rachel Carson contest
Special - Report orphaned containers in Missouri flood areas

March 2008

Protect children from poisoning by household substances.
Look for a TV meeting Energy Star requirements
Find projects your local community can do
Check out EPA's new multimedia portal

February 2008

Increase environmental awareness among multilingual communities.
Buy a high-efficiency washer or save up for full loads
Reduce costs through low-impact development
Recycle your cell phone
Get involved in the regulatory process

January 2008

Test your home for radon.
Ask your school about the indoor air quality.
Recycle your tree.

2007 Archive

December 2007

Buy rechargeable batteries to accompany electronic gifts, and consider giving a battery charger as well.
Look for the next generation of Energy Star computers for energy savings
Ask yourself - what did you recycle today?
Look for tools that make understanding air quality easier than ever - with Google Earth™
Ask your supermarket top join the GreenChill Advanced Refrigeration Partnership

November 2007

eCycle - take your old computers or other electronics to a local recycling center.
Look for bathroom sink faucets bearing the WaterSense label
Change a light, Change the world with energy-efficient light bulbs
Shop for a 2008 vehicle based on new fuel economy test methods
Use Energy Star "Home Advisor" for warm homes and cool savings
Getting lead out of the home - prevent lead poisoning at home
Yes, kids, there really is a Magic School Bus
Schools - EPA calls for partnering on school chemical safety

October 2007

Buy or switch to energy efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs.
Protect children from poisoning by household substances.
Use new fuel economy stickers to help you make more informed decisions.
Web-based compliance tool available helps tribes.
Environmental fact sheets for older adults available in 11 languages.
Calculate your business building's carbon footprint.

September 2007

Reduce your carbon footprint.
Back to school: Students, parents, and teachers can all make a difference in reducing waste at school.
Hurricane response. Find out what you can do to prepare when a hurricane is predicted.
Handle with care: Find out how to store and dispose of mercury-containing products safely.

August 2007

Allow grass clippings to stay on the lawn.
Listen to or download weather hazard public service announcements.
Building a new home? Energy efficient homes continue to produce savings.
Buying a new computer? New report shows environmental benefits from green computers.
New video shows community leaders using innovative ways to maintain and improve water and wastewater systems.

July 2007 (first newsletter)

July is UV Safety month.
Be Prepared - Early Hurricane Preparations Can Save Lives and Property.
New tools to help "Good Samaritans" clean up mine waste, restore watersheds, improve fisheries.
Buy Energy Star products - A Big Part of the Climate Change Solution.
Calculate how individual energy use contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution

About This Newsletter

"Go Green!" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA with information about activities and events that everyone can use to make a difference in their homes, communities, and offices. To sign up for this monthly newsletter:
http://service.govdelivery.com/service/subscribe.html?code=USAEPA_298 and submit your email address.

To unsubscribe from this newsletter:

This service is provided free of charge by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. If you have any questions or problems about this service, please contact support@govdelivery.com for assistance. Govdelivery is under contract to EPA.

More ways to go green!

All EPA press releases and news announcements

Tips that you can use

link to subscribe page at usa.gov

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