Dodd on Bush Budget Health Proposals: Fails Miserably
February 4, 2008

“In his last budget as President, Bush has turned his back on programs that would ensure the safety and health of our nation’s children. From universal newborn screening to massive cuts in the Medicare and Medicaid programs to mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs, President Bush is proposing that we pay for his tax cuts on the backs of America’s most vulnerable citizens. His health care proposal includes several recycled proposals that will do nothing to help the 47 million uninsured Americans and the millions more that are underinsured.


“When President Bush first came to office he called himself the “Education President” and called for significant reforms, promising to provide us with the resources needed to implement them. And yet his last proposed budget clearly demonstrates a lack of commitment to both our young students and the public schools in which they learn. 


“Even as this President pushed for the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, the Bush budget underfunds the current law by more than $14 billion. The Bush Budget slashed funding for afterschool programs by nearly $300 million and worse still, appears to be proposing that we convert the program into vouchers.  Higher education did not fare much better. President Bush has proposed the elimination of a number of state and college-based student aid programs as well as the federal portion of the Perkins Loan Program – a program that offers loan forgiveness to Peace Corps volunteers. He has also proposed deep reductions in AmeriCorps. At a time when we should be encouraging young Americans to stay in school, go on to get their college degree and volunteer their time to something larger than themselves, the Bush Budget fails miserably on all these accounts.”

