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Needs & Offers Rules

Using this Needs & Offers service, libraries seeking to dispose of publications withdrawn from their collections may place publications with other depositories, while libraries seeking publications missing from their depository collections can state their needs. This service is open to Federal depository libraries only.

Discards can be offered here based on 2 conditions:

  1. They must be over five years old.
  2. They must have first been offered to their regional library, in accordance with their regional's implementation procedures of the FDLP weeding regulations (see Chapter 4 of the Instructions to Depository Libraries).

This is an automated, information service only. The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) assumes no responsibility for the physical exchange of publications. Libraries requesting items are responsible for working out postage charges and/or delivery arrangements with the offering library. The FDLP Desktop provides a private message system (PMS) so you can communicate with ad owners.

The N&O list is broken down alphabetically based on the first letter of the SuDoc classification system. "Ads" will be posted for no less than 90 days and then removed. It is recommended that libraries maintain a copy of their lists for their record. Ad owners must remove listings once either an offer has been claimed or a need has been fulfilled.

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