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United Way of Rhode Island



United Way 2-1-1 in Rhode Island

"United Way 2-1-1 in Rhode Island" is the fastest and easiest way to get information when you need it, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

Woman on PhoneOne call gives you access to resources across the community -- whether you need to get help for yourself, a member of your family or a friend -- or if you want to give help. Someone at "2-1-1" will help connect you to the services or information you need.

All calls are free of charge, confidential and in the language of the caller.

In RI, dial 2-1-1 for assistance or visit www.211ri.org.

In a police, fire or other emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

"2-1-1" is financially backed by United Way of Rhode Island with the support of a generous grant from the Hasbro Children's Fund.

For 2-1-1 promotional materials -- including bookmarks and posters -- please visit the 2-1-1 website.

Obtenga información, resuelva un problema, descubra opciones

El 2-1-1 es la forma más rápida y fácil para obtener información cuando usted la necesite. Las 24 horas al dia, los 7 dias a la semana en forma confidencial, gratis y en su dioma. Si usted necesita encontrar una guardería para su hijo, obtener ayuda financiera para una cuenta de servicio de utilidad pública, encontrar a un consejero de salud mental para ayudarlo en una crisis, o ponerlo en contacto con cualquier otra clase de servicio comunitario, usted encontrará todas las respuestas llamando al 2-1-1.



"Because of the leadership of United Way of Rhode Island, 2-1-1 will now connect communities in the Ocean State to specific resources. So many members of our community, whose critical needs are often unmet, can now - with a simple phone call – reach the services they need in a timely and efficient manner" 
Brian Gallagher 
President & CEO
United Way of America