• As Democrats' "Stimulus" Price Tag Reaches $700 Billion, House GOP Promotes Economic Growth Plan Based on Tax Relief, Job Creation
    Nov 24, 2008  - As families and small businesses struggle through the economic slowdown, Washington Democrats continue to lay the groundwork for a blizzard of new taxpayer-funded government spending…and the price tag of the plan keeps on rising.  Today, it stands at as much as $700 billion, according to the Washing... More
  • On Fox News Sunday, Boehner Urges President-Elect Obama to Take Tax Hikes Off the Table
    Nov 23, 2008  - In an appearance this morning on Fox News Sunday, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) highlighted his plan to create jobs and spur a rapid economic recovery through tax relief for families and small businesses and an “all of the above” energy plan, urging President-elect Barack Obama not to ... More
  • House GOP Rapid Economic Recovery Plan Wins Praise
    Nov 1, 2008  - Support is building for the Rapid Economic Recovery plan put forth by House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) as an alternative to the $300 billion spending scheme proposed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).    Pelosi has vowed to pass her bloated spending initiative as soon as the week... More
  • Bipartisan Experts Agree: Democrats' "Stimulus" Spending Scheme Won't Work
    Oct 30, 2008  - As the Washington Post story entitled “Critics Say Roads Projects Won’t Jump-Start Economy” demonstrates, experts from across the political spectrum agree that “infrastructure spending” masquerading as “economic stimulus” won’t help our economy:   ... More
  • As Dems Push Economic Spending Spree, Boehner Counters with Pro-Growth GOP Alternative
    Oct 28, 2008  - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) continues to peddle congressional Democrats’ massive collection of new Washington spending cleverly disguised as “economic stimulus.”  The Democrats’ latest tactic?  A conference call with liberal economists hand-picked by Democratic leaders to boost their... More
  • The Boehner Rapid Economic Recovery Plan
    Oct 28, 2008  - As an alternative to the $300 billion “stimulus” spending plan Democrats are threatening to pass before January, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) has put forth a plan for economic growth, jobs, and rapid recovery that relies on tax relief for working families and small businesses instead ... More
  • For Democrats, "Reform" Equals Higher Taxes, More Wasteful Washington Spending
    Oct 27, 2008  - As families, seniors, and small businesses continue to struggle during these times of economic uncertainty, Democrats and Republicans in Washington are offering starkly different plans to strengthen our economy and create new jobs.  In yesterday’s Washington Post, House Democratic Caucus Chairm... More
  • House Republicans Slam Dems for Plans to Increase Taxes, Cut Defense Spending by 25 Percent
    Oct 27, 2008  - Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee criticized plans by House Democrats – highlighted in recent comments by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) – to cut funding for defense by 25 percent and increase taxes on families and small businesses.  It follows p... More
  • Witnesses Foil Waxman Effort to Downplay Role of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac in Financial Meltdown
    Oct 24, 2008  - Just days after House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and other key House Republicans wrote to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, urging him to appoint a special counsel to investigate the actions taken by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as part of its ongoing investigation into the mortgage industr... More
  • Boehner Urges President to Stop All Federal Funding of ACORN; Will Democrats in Charge of Congress Follow Suit?
    Oct 23, 2008  - Democrats in charge of Congress have sought to shower billions in federal funds upon the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) – an extreme left-wing outfit with deep political ties to Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) and a mounting track record of voter fraud and legal trouble. ... More