In the News

Statement of Congressman Mike Doyle (D-14-PA) on the situation in Iraq:
"Now is the time for all of us, regardless of political affiliation or ideology, to come together as Americans to support the brave men and women in our Armed Forces. It is my sincere hope that our troops complete their mission quickly and safely and that casualties are minimal for them and the Iraqi citizens."

Making the Right Choice for True Prescription Drug Assistance is All about Priorities

Coalition for Autism Research and Education - click here to see if your Representative is a member of C.A.R.E.

Congressman Doyle Condemns Bush Decision to Drop Steel Tariffs
December 1, 2003 - Congressman Mike Doyle issued a statement today responding to published reports that President Bush has decided to drop the tariffs on imported steel. Click here to read his statement.

Congress Passes Medicare "Reform" Bill
November 22, 2003 - The House of Representatives passed legislation that creates a Medicare prescription drug benefit and requires future cuts in the Medicare program. Congressman Doyle voted against this bill, calling it "a bad deal for America's seniors." Click here to read his statement on the bill.

Congressman Doyle Criticizes Bush Policy in Iraq
On October 20, 2003, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an article by Congressman Doyle in which he criticized the Bush Administration for its policy in Iraq. Congressman Doyle also called for Congress to provide reconstruction assistance to Iraq in the form of loans rather than grants and urged that the cost of reconstruction be paid for by repealing recent tax breaks for the rich -- rather than by passing the debt on to our children, as the President has proposed. For the full text of this article click here.

Representative Doyle Opposes Proposed Cuts in Medicare Cancer Care
October 9, 2003 - Representative Doyle expressed his opposition to proposed cuts in cancer care for Medicare beneficiaries at a press conference at the Hillman Cancer Center . .

Congressman Doyle Calls for Action to Modernize the Nation's Electric Utilities
September 3, 2003 -- U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) called today for reform of the nation's outdated electricity production and distribution system at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing held to determine the cause of the massive August blackout that affected much of the Northeast and Midwest. Congressman Doyle urged the swift adoption of uniform national reliability standards and the creation of large Regional Transmission Organizations to improve the reliability of the nation's power grid. He also called for increased reliance on distributed generation of electric power. Click here for his remarks

Congressman Doyle Opposes Privatization of Air Traffic Control Operations
August 11, 2003 - Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) issued a statement today in which he opposed legislation to privatize part or all of the United States' air traffic control system. .

Congressman Doyle Supports Continued Relief for Steel Industry
July 22, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) testified before the U.S. International Trade Commission in support of three full years of relief for the U.S. domestic steel industry from unfair foreign competition. Last year, President Bush imposed tariffs on a number of steel imports for three years. The ITC held the July 22nd hearing to determine, as required by U.S. trade law, whether that "Section 201" relief for the steel industry is still needed. The hearing report is scheduled to be completed by September 2003. Click here for the full text of Congressman Doyle's testimony.

Congressman Doyle Holds Federal Budget Hearing in Pittsburgh
July 1, 2003 - Today, U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) condemned the budget recently passed by Congress as misguided and irresponsible. "The federal government's budget is, first and foremost, a statement about our nation's priorities - or at least the party in power's priorities," Doyle said today. "This administration and the leadership in the House and Senate have produced a budget that expresses some very clear priorities. Unfortunately, providing help for mainstream Americans is a low priority for this administration."

Congressman Doyle Announces Progress on Homestead National Historic Site
June 30, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) announced today that the National Park Service is recommending that a National Historic Site be established in Homestead and Munhall to preserve important artifacts from our country’s steel industry.

Congressman Doyle Opposes Inadequate Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit
June 27 - Congressman Mike Doyle (PA-14) voted against legislation that, while establishing a Medicare prescription drug benefit, failed to provide adequate assistance to Medicare beneficiaries. Click here to calculate your annual prescription drug costs under the House Republican Medicare prescription drug plan. (Adobe Reader needed to view this file.)

Doyle Announces Establishment of National Manufacturing Technology Center
June 16, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) announced a major economic development initiative - the establishment of the Doyle Center for Manufacturing Technology.

“This is an important day for our region. The Doyle Center will revitalize our economy by providing small local manufacturers with the tools they need to participate in military contracts with big defense contractors

Congressman Doyle Condemns Impending Cuts in Veterans Benefits
photo, Congressman Doyle Condemns Impending Cuts in Veterans BenefitsJune 9, 2003 - Today, U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) condemned the negative impact that the budget adopted recently by Congress will have on thousands of Southwestern Pennsylvania's veterans.

Woodland Hills High School Student Wins Congressman Doyle's 2003 Congressional Arts Competition
photos of Representative Doyle with participants in the 2003 Congressional Arts Competition Washington, D.C. - May 12, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) tonight presented Katherine Hallberg from Woodland Hills High School with the First Prize in the 2003 Congressional High School Arts Competition for the 14th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Katherine's artwork, which will be displayed in the United States Capitol for one year, is an acrylic painting entitled ATechnicolor Portrait." Her work was selected out of a collection of 33 entries from 7 schools throughout the 14th Congressional District.

Doyle Opposes Irresponsible Tax Bill
May 9, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) expressed his opposition to the $350 billion "economic stimulus" bill under consideration by Congress in an op-ed piece in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Doyle Test-Drives Environmentally Friendly Automobiles
photo, hyrdro car test driveMay 7, 2003 - Today, U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) test-drove several vehicles that emit no air pollution. These vehicles are prototypes of vehicles that may be in widespread production in a few short years. These vehicles use electric motors powered by fuel cells for propulsion.

Doyle Supports Robotics Research Contest at CMU
1st photo, U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-18), at CMU RoboCup with Asimo; 2nd photo, at CMU RoboCup with Jim Morris; 3rd photo, CMU RoboCup with Screenhead Robot May 2, 2003 - U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) expressed his support for robotics research in southwestern Pennsylvania in a speech during the opening ceremony of the first U.S. RoboCup Open at Carnegie Mellon University. RoboCup is an annual international contest in which teams of robots play each other in soccer. By presenting a difficult standardized challenge for these teams of robots, the RoboCup competition promotes the development and integration of robotics technology and computer software at the best universities around the world.

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The 110TH CONGRESS (2007-2008) The Library of Congress: THOMAS


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