Congressman James T. Walsh Representing the 25th Congressional District of New York State
For Immediate Release
 June 6, 2007

Contact: Dan Gage

Walsh Co-Sponsors Legislation to Address Disappearance of Bees

Local Agriculture Dependent on Honey Bees as Pollinators


(Washington D.C.)- Congressman Jim Walsh today announced his co-sponsorship of H.R. 1709, the Pollinator Protection Act, to address the growing problem of Colony Collapse Disorder.  The disorder has affected honey bee colonies in 23 states, including New York, putting the livelihood of area farmers at increased risk and potentially destabilizing our nation’s food supply.


“Agriculture remains New York State’s number one industry, and the increasing disappearance of honeybees is a primary concern especially to area fruit and vegetable growers,” said Walsh. “One third of our food supply depends on successful honey bee pollination.  It is important that the federal government supports ongoing honey bee research to address the spread of Colony Collapse Disorder.”


H.R. 1709 would direct federal resources, through the Department of Agriculture, to research causes and solutions for Colony Collapse Disorder.  Research will concentrate on honey bee immunology, biology, ecology, genomics, and bioinfomatics, as well as pollination biology and the possible impact of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides and crop modification. 


The funding would provide for increased personnel and research at various USDA Agricultural Research Service institutions, including ones in New York, as well as providing grant funding for other entities to conduct research on honey bees and other pollinators.


The bill has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee for consideration.







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Congressman James T. Walsh Representing the 25th Congressional District of New York State