Lewis and Clark in North Dakota
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Congress Votes Gratuities for the Corp of Discovery

Congress Votes Gratuities

Captain Lewis' roll and remarks on the members of the Corps of Discovery

On January 23, 1807, Congressman Alston, having received recommendations from the Secretary of War and from Captain Lewis, presented a bill for the compensation of the members of the Corps of Discovery. The House debated the bill for more than a month, with some members believing the grants to be extravagant, but it eventually passed by a vote of 62 to 23. On February 28 it passed the Senate with little debate on a voice vote.

The bill provided 1,600 acres of land each to Captains Lewis and Clark, 320 acres to each enlisted man, and double pay for all. Lewis and Clark would each also receive new appointments, Lewis as governor of the Territory of Louisiana, and Clark as the government's Indian agent for the West.

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