U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Results of 2008 Farm Bill Survey

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WASHINGTON, DC, Jun 11 - Thank you to everyone who took my 2008 Farm Bill Survey.  It is important to me that I hear your opinions and insight into the issues facing Americans today, such as agriculture policy.

I encourage you to take my new survey and let me know what you think Congress should do to respond to rising fuel prices.  This survey can be found in the bottom-left corner of my homepage, or click here to take the survey.

Results of 2008 Farm Bill Survey:

Congress recently passed the 2007 Farm Bill. What is most important to you with regards to agriculture policy in America?

Providing government subsidies and assistance to the small farmers and ranchers in the nation --- 5 (20.8%)

Protecting American consumers by curbing our nation's record-setting rise in food prices --- 12 (50%)

Helping those less fortunate in other parts of the world by increasing funding and resources for world hunger assistance --- 3 (12.5%)

Decreasing the amount of corn that is used to produce ethanol --- 16 (66.7%)

Total:  24

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