
Butterflies and Moths of North America

Welcome to Butterflies and Moths of North America, a searchable database of verified butterfly and moth records in the United States and Mexico. This site includes dynamic distribution maps, photographs, species accounts, and species checklists for each county in the U.S. and each state in Mexico.

Browse by Taxonomy

Browse by Families and Subfamilies to find species of interest.

Map Search

Select a state or county and view a checklist of records for that region.

Species Search

Search for a specific species by scientific or common name.

Image Gallery

Browse image thumbnails by Family.

The "Butterflies and Moths of North America" web site and database were built upon a foundation developed by scientists at the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center from 1995-2005. The dedicated work of NPWRC scientists, staff, and contractors is invaluable to this project, and their efforts are much appreciated. Learn more about the current project and its history.