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Hoekstra to Discuss Local Effects of FPI Reform with Haworth Employees
Event Scheduled for Tuesday Morning at Haworth Corporate Headquarters in Holland

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Washington, Jan 26, 2004 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, on Tuesday, Jan. 27, will meet with Haworth employees to discuss the effects of Federal Prison Industries (FPI) reform.

“The results of FPI reform are largely painted in broad strokes,” Hoekstra said. “However, the impact will be most significant at the local level, and on Tuesday I intend to discuss with employees at Haworth how fundamentally fixing this flawed system will affect individual workers.”

Last week Congress passed a provision in the annual federal appropriations bill that extends to all federal agencies relief from FPI as an exclusive source for products through the end of the current fiscal year. Under the provision, agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security will be able to exercise the limited authority now available only to the Department of Defense and the CIA.

Congress is currently considering legislation – the Federal Prison Industries Competition in Contracting Act – authored by Hoekstra that will fundamentally and permanently reform FPI’s sole-source status with federal agencies. The House version of the bill overwhelmingly passed in November, and the Senate is currently considering the Hoekstra bill, as well as companion legislation sponsored by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Michigan, and Sen. Craig Thomas, R-Wyoming.

Once passed, the comprehensive bill will ensure private sector firms like Haworth will freely be able to compete for government contracts funded by their own tax dollars.

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