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Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 4,972 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
The Health Care Financing Administration's Monitoring of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
124427, June 15, 1984
Management Improvement and Cost Reduction in DOD
114656, March 10, 1981
Defense Acquisitions: Higher Priority Needed for Army Operating and Support Cost Reduction Efforts
NSIAD-00-197, September 29, 2000
Elderly Housing: Successes/Problems in Implementing HUD's Cost Containment Requirements
RCED-86-55BR, December 4, 1985
1993 German Health Reforms: New Cost Control Initiatives
HRD-93-103, July 7, 1993
Proposed Agenda of Significant Management Improvements and Cost Reduction Opportunities--Department of Defense
OCG-81-1, January 21, 1981
H.R. 3116, a Bill for Federal Cost Reduction and Productivity Improvement
115644, June 2, 1981
Housing for the Elderly: HUD's Cost Containment Program Could Be More Effective
RCED-86-106, September 9, 1986
Infant Formula: Cost Containment and Competition in the WIC Program
HRD-90-122, September 27, 1990
Physician Cost-Containment Training Can Reduce Medical Costs
HRD-82-36, February 4, 1982
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 4,972 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»


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