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"Then the wounded began to come back. Some wrecked forever, others soon to be no more, all flushed with excitement, but glad to be at last out of that awful hell." (Letter to his sister, December 9, 1917)

   Eugene A. Curtin
Image of Eugene A. Curtin
Newsclipping: "Gives Graphic Glimpse of War on Western Front" December 28, 1917.
War: World War I, 1914-1920
Branch: Army
Unit: Medical Corps, 2nd Army, 2nd Division, attached to 100th Ambulance British Expeditionary Force
Service Location: France; Belgium; Germany
Highest Rank: Captain
Place of Birth: Williamsport, PA
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Many American physicians who served in World War I, like Eugene Curtin, shipped out to Europe sooner than their comrades in arms. The British government, whose army medical corps had been decimated by nearly three years of fighting, aggressively recruited American doctors to be attached to the British Army. Curtin’s correspondence with his family and friends painted contrasting pictures of his hosts in England (cold, distant) and France (grateful, gracious). Working close to the front in France, he was appalled by what he saw. “They speak of the grandeur of war,” he wrote. “There is no such thing; it’s just a deadly, sickening, bloody slaughter.”

 Personal Correspondence
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 Other Materials
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 Personal Correspondence (62 items)
Letter to Mother and Girls [July 23, 1917] Letter to Mother [July 30, 1917] Letter to Agnes [August 4, 1917]
Letter to Mother and Sisters [August 12, 1917] Letter to Mother [August 16, 1917] Letter to Mother [August 20, 1917]
Letter to Mother [August 28, 1917] Letter to Mother [September 16, 1917] Letter to Frank [September 1917]
Letter to Mother [September 30, 1917] Letter to Uncle [October 8, 1917] Letter to Mother [October 14, 1917]
Letter to Mother [October 30, 1917] Letter to Mother [November 4, 1917] Letter to Mother [November 8, 1917]
Letter to mother [November 1917] Letter to Uncle [November 16, 1917] Letter to brother Vince [November 17, 1917]
Letter to Mother [November 22, 1917] Letter to Mother [November 26, 1917] Letter to Mother [December 6, 1917]
Letter to Clare [December 1917] Letter to Mother [December 15, 1917] Letter to Mother "and all the Girls" [January 7, 1918]
Letter to Mother [January 21, 1918] Letter to Mother [February 3, 1918] Letter to Mother [February 13 1918]
Letter to Mother [February 28, 1918] Letter to Mother [March 12, 1918] Letter to Mother [March 28, 1918]
Letter to Mother [March 29, 1918] Letter to Mother [April 5, 1918] Letter to Uncle [April 15, 1918]
Letter to brother Vince [April 22, 1918] Letter to Mother [May 2, 1918] Letter to Mother [May 11, 1918]
Letter to Aunt Mary [ May 15, 1918] Letter to Mother [May 21, 1918] Letter to Kate [June 5, 1918]
Letter to Mother [June 15, 1918] Letter to Mother [June 24, 1918] Letter to Mother [July 14, 1918]
Letter to Mother [July 17, 1918] Letter to Mother [July 25, 1918] Letter to Mother [August 15, 1918]
Letter to Mother [ August 27, 1918] Letter to Mother [September 6, 1918] Letter to Mother [September 23, 1918]
Letter to Mother [September 29, 1918] Letter to Mother [October 13, 1918] Letter to Mother [undated]
Letter to Mother [November 3, 1918] Letter to Mother [November 14, 1918] Letter to Mother [November 26, 1918]
Letter to Mother [Sunday December 8, 1918] Letter to Mother [undated] Letter to Mother [ December 30, 1918]
Letter to Mother [January 13, 1919] Letter to Mother [February 3, 1919] Cast and description of scenes for a play, "Love in a Whirlpool"
Letter to Mother [March 24, 1919] Letter to Mother [April 19, 1918] 
 Other Materials (3 items)
Newsclipping from the Times, "Gives Graphic Glimpse of War on Western Front" [December 28, 1917] Newsclipping from the Times Newsclipping, "Story of a Great Battle"
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  May 29, 2007
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