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Jenison Native Begins Internship in Hoekstra’s Washington Office
Jacquelyn Send Currently a Junior at American University’s School of International Service

Jacquelyn Send & Rep. Pete Hoekstra

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Washington, Nov 6 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, announced today that Jenison native Jacquelyn Send recently began a fall internship in his Washington, D.C. office.

“I appreciate Jacquelyn devoting her time to assisting the constituents of Michigan’s Second Congressional District,” Hoekstra said. “She brings a positive attitude to the office and demonstrates a commitment to hard work that reflects her West Michigan roots.”

Send’s responsibilities include attending congressional committee hearings, collecting data, performing legislative research and distributing mail.

Currently a junior attending American University’s School of International Service, Send plans to major in International Relations with a concentration in Africa and International Development. Send graduated from Jenison High School in 2006.

“My time as an intern has been a rewarding personal and educational experience,” Send said. “It is a great opportunity to apply firsthand everything learned in the classroom to the federal legislative process. Working with Congressman Hoekstra and his staff will undoubtedly prove valuable in my future career.”

Send is the daughter of Larry and Diane Send of Jenison.

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