U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
United States Senator, Alaska
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Student Connection - Internships
Internships in Senator Lisa Murkowski's Office

Senator Murkowski offers opportunities in her Washington D.C. office for both recently graduated high school students and college students.

Interns will assist Senator Murkowski's staff in legislative and constituent duties.  Individuals must be able writers and possess excellent communications skills.  Interns will assist in the day-to-day clerical and administrative tasks within the office such as directing mail, speaking with constituents, running errands, and assisting staff with research projects.  Interns will gain insight into the workings of a Senate office and how the legislative process works.  They will also have the opportunity enjoy the many educational and cultural activities that are available in the Washington D.C. area.

Summer Intern Program for Recent High School Graduates

All Alaskan high school students in their senior year may apply for an opportunity to spend four weeks in Senator Murkowski’s Washington D.C. office.  The Senator will select a total of twenty students from all areas of Alaska to participate in two, month-long sessions.  The tentative dates for the first session of the summer 2009 are June 1 to June 26 and the second session is July 6 to August 1.  Housing and transportation will be coordinated by the Senator’s office, but interns will be responsible for the cost.  The Senator's office will provide a stipend to help defray these costs.

To learn more about this unique opportunity, please view the photo gallery and read the information provided below.  You may apply online or via fax or mail.  Online applications are preferred.  Applications received after the March 13, 2009 deadline will not be considered.  

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Intern Information

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Apply via fax or mail

Spring and Fall College Intern Program

Full-time and part-time positions are available during the spring and fall semesters for students currently enrolled in college.  Interns will be paid a small stipend.  Applications are considered on a rolling basis.  To apply, please send a resume, cover letter, and a letter of recommendation to Senator Murkowski’s Washington D.C. office.  Faxed applications are preferred.  Applications should be sent to the attention of the intern coordinator.

Summer College Intern Program

Two positions are available for college students who would like to work in Senator Murkowski’s Washington, D.C. office during the summer of 2009.  The interns will coordinate the Summer High School Intern Program.

The interns, one male and one female, will work together with staff intern coordinators to supervise the high school interns in their daily activities.  Responsibilities include: scheduling and attending various tours, meetings, and social events; counseling interns; and mediating conflicts as needed.  

College intern coordinators are paid a small stipend, but are responsible for their own housing and transportation.  Alumni of the High School Intern Program who meet the following qualifications are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are due March 1, 2009.

To apply, please send a resume, cover letter and letter of recommendation to Senator Murkowski’s Washington D.C. office.  Faxed applications are preferred.  Applications should be sent to the attention of the intern coordinator.

• Must be at least 21 years of age
• Must be responsible, mature, professional, and like to work with teenagers
• Prior experience working with youth in some capacity preferred but not required
• Prior knowledge of the Washington, D.C. area preferred but not required
• Must be available mid-May until early-to-mid-August
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