Information on Financial Bailout

In order to provide my constituents with more information on the financial bailout being proposed, I have collected a variety of documents and made them public on this page.  Please check back as more content will be added as it becomes available.

If you have not done so already, please contact me with your thoughts on this legislation.  Your comments are important to me and I appreciate your feedback.

After failing to reach a deal on a $25 billion proposal to bailout the nation's "Big Three" automakers (Ford, GM, and Chrysler), Congressional Democrats have chosen to punt the issue until the week of December 8th.  Speaker Pelosi has given the automakers until December 2 to present a plan for how much money would be needed, how the money would be spent, and how the automakers would restructure themselves to better compete in the global economy.  At this time, no actual legislation has been presented but I remain skeptical of a bailout for the automakers as I do not see it fit for workers in the First District making $14/hour to bailout automakers whose employees have a "legacy cost" (payroll, healthcare, and pensions) of $70 and hour.
UPDATE: The Senate passed a bailout package on Wednesday, October 1 (click here to see how all Senators voted) and the House passed the same package on Friday, October 3.  The bill will now be signed into law by the President.

EARMARK ALERT - For a list of earmarks in the Senate passed bill, click here.

While I voted against the bill, I believe the threat our markets face are grave and that something must be done.  My vote was not a vote against doing anything, it was a vote against the package presented.  To see a list of alternatives I'd like to see, click here.

Take Jack's Bailout Survey

Click below to read a letter I've written for my constituents:


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Opinion Pieces:

Press Releases:

Less than a week after rejecting a similar bill, the House today passed a bailout intended to shore up the nation’s financial markets.  Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1), who voted against the package both times, expressed concerns that the bill will not accomplish the task at hand.  “Rather than righting the ship, we’ve run for the lifeboats,” Congressman Kingston said.  “While the core bill has been improved since Monday, I’m still unconvinced it will avert an economic downturn.  I hope I’m wrong but suspect we will be back soon for further debate.  The economy will remain my highest priority and I will continue to fight for the alternatives not included in this bill.”  Read more...

10.3 - PRESS RELEASE:  Georgia’s Republican House Members vote against Bailout
Georgia’s Republican House members released the following statement after unanimously voting against the $700 billion bailout bill:  “These are challenging times for our country — citizens everywhere recognize that our economy is in peril. We have the largest and the most complex economy in the world, and we must approach this crisis with an eye toward the consequences of acting incorrectly.  What we do here will have a lasting impact on the course of our nation now and for future generations — so we have an obligation not just to get this done quickly but to get it done right.” Read more... 

more press releases


9.27 - Jack on FOX News discussing the bailout:

10.03.08 - Jack on Bloomberg TV discussing the bailout:

09.29.08 - Kingston Responds to Failure of Wall Street Bailout in the House

Jack dicsusses the failure today of the Wall Street Bailout plan and calls for a mature discussion that brings in alternatives and allows for amendments.

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