U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski
United States Senator, Alaska
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Issue Statements - Key Issues

Key Issues:

  • Gas Prices
    We are all aware that oil prices and gasoline prices have been regularly breaking record highs, with the rising cost of all types of fuel causing an extreme hardship for Americans and particularly Alaskans... Keep Reading »
  • Second Amendment
    The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Keep Reading »
  • ANWR
    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) encompasses 19 million acres in the Northeast corner of Alaska, north of the Arctic Circle. The area is comparable to Prudhoe Bay, currently North America's largest oil field, in geography. Keep Reading »
  • Iraq
    We all want our troops to come home from Iraq as quickly and as safely as possible. I do not, however, support a timetable for withdrawing our forces in Iraq... Keep Reading »
  • Health Care
    Quality health care is critical to maintaining the health and well-being of our citizens. This issue is especially critical in Alaska, where health care costs can be up to 70 percent higher than in the Continental U.S. Keep Reading »
  • Stem Cells
    As you know, I support expanding federal funding for stem cell research. Research on adult stem cells is already being used to safely and effectively treat more than 60 conditions and, most recently, scientists reported new evidence of the effectiveness of treating congestive heart failure with these cells. Keep Reading »
  • Alaska's Fisheries
    Alaska's fisheries and fishing industry are the very heart of Alaska's coastal communities and crucial to the nearly 60,000 Alaskans across the state who directly or indirectly base their livelihoods on it. Keep Reading »
  • Education
    Education is a priority and must continue to be a priority. It is our responsibility to provide the younger generation with the education they need to succeed in today's ever challenging world. Keep Reading »
  • Veterans
    Our veterans exemplify a tradition of service, dedication, and valor that we uphold as Alaskans. With nearly 65,000 such men and women, we have a special responsibility for serving the needs of our military veterans. Keep Reading »
  • Energy
    Our dependence on foreign oil for our energy needs is one of the most pressing issues facing the nation. Congress made great progress in passing the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Keep Reading »
  • Federal Budget
    I am convinced that Americans would much rather be working to support their families and this nation than drawing unemployment checks. Keep Reading »

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