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Sutton Statement on Daily Nonstop flight Service from Akron-Canton to Washington DC

Nov. 25 - "Today's announcement is great news for communities throughout Northeast Ohio and I am happy that I was able to play a part in this successful effort. Not only will these flights vastly improve transportation options for families in the Akron-Canton area, but they will encourage others to visit our communities and take advantage of all our region has to offer, giving our local economy an important boost," said Congresswoman Sutton. | More

Enhanced VA Mortgage Options Now Available for Veterans

Oct. 30 - "This is great news for our country's service men and women. When communities across our country are struggling with a housing crisis, this will provide real relief for many of our veterans and their families. I was proud to support this legislation and these important benefits that our veterans deserve,"said Congresswoman Sutton. | More

Sutton Statement on the Army’s Continued Use of Stop Loss

Oct. 27 - "I am disappointed to hear that the Pentagon will continue to rely on its stop loss policy to force our brave troops to serve additional tours of duty. I have heard firsthand from soldiers about the emotional and financial strain these extended deployments place on them and their families. They can be assured that I will carry on the fight to fairly compensate them for their continued sacrifice." | More

Rep. Sutton to Receive First-Ever “Public Leadership” Award From Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association

Oct. 17 - "AEDs prevent needless deaths of people young and old in communities across the country. I will continue to fight to ensure that they are available in our schools to save even more lives in the years to come." | More

Rep. Sutton Welcomes House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Case Western to Discuss Renewable Energy Opportunities in Northeast Ohio

Oct. 14 - "It is clear that our country needs to move away from foreign sources of energy and increase our domestic production of alternative, renewable power. I am proud that Case Western Reserve University, the University of Akron and innovators throughout our region are at the forefront of developing the next generation of American made energy. Projects like the Great Lakes Institute for Energy Innovation have the potential to lead our country to energy independence, while creating jobs and bringing renewed economic vitality to our region." | More

Congresswoman Sutton Receives A+ Grade from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

Oct. 7 - "I am extremely honored and proud to receive this distinction. Our brave soldiers and their families make tremendous sacrifices for our country and I believe their service must be honored. I have worked to ensure that our service men and women receive the benefits they deserve and I will continue this fight every day. It is not enough to simply pay tribute to our troops with words; we must show our appreciation through our actions." | More


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