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Showing 1 - 9 of 9 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Radiological Sources in Iraq: DOD Should Evaluate Its Source Recovery Effort and Apply Lessons Learned to Future Recovery Missions
GAO-05-672, September 7, 2005
Change Needed in Procedures for Administering Retention of Knowledge Tests in Radiological Control
PLRD-81-23, May 4, 1981
Operation Desert Storm: Army Not Adequately Prepared to Deal With Depleted Uranium Contamination
NSIAD-93-90, January 29, 1993
Gulf War Illnesses: Similarities and Differences Among Countries in Chemical and Biological Threat Assessment and Veterans' Health Status
GAO-02-359T, January 24, 2002
Combating Terrorism: Federal Response Teams Provide Varied Capabilities; Opportunities Remain to Improve Coordination
GAO-01-14, November 30, 2000
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's Plan for Revitalizing U.S. Civil Defense: A Review of Three Major Plan Components
NSIAD-84-11, April 16, 1984
Coalition Warfare: Gulf War Allies Differed in Chemical and Biological Threats Identified and in Use of Defensive Measures
GAO-01-13, April 24, 2001
Nuclear Security: NRC and DHS Need to Take Additional Steps to Better Track and Detect Radioactive Materials
GAO-08-598, June 19, 2008
Nuclear Health and Safety: Examples of Post World War II Radiation Releases at U.S. Nuclear Sites
RCED-94-51FS, November 24, 1993
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»


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