

  • Successfully secured the first increase in the VA's disabled veterans travel reimbursement program since 1977 -- raising the reimbursement rate from 11 to 28.5 cents per mile.
  • Increased the VA budget by $3.6 billion for 2008 which was more than what President Bush requested -- and $1.8 billion more than the budget for 2007.
  • Worked with the VA to fund a new state veterans' cemetery in Missoula.
  • Chaired an official field hearing of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on rural veterans' health care with Sen. Max Baucus and Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.).


  • Sponsored an amendment to the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Bill, which has been signed into law, requiring the Department of Homeland Security to evaluate the needs and vulnerabilities of America's northern border.
  • With Sen. Baucus, recovered $140 million from the White House Office of Management and Budget for nearly 400 new housing units at Malmstrom Air Force Base.
  • Passed amendment requiring the Air Force to examine ways to expand the role of the Montana Air National Guard in national defense.
  • Cosponsored successful legislation that pumps $3 billion into Homeland Security after ensuring that the money will also be spent on the northern border.
  • Cosponsored successful amendment allocating $20 million for a Northern Border Prosecution Initiative, which strengthens law enforcement along the border.


  • Passed the 2007 Farm Bill through the Senate.
    • Sponsored a provision providing federal crop insurance for camelina -- a plant whose oil seed can be converted into biodiesel.
    • Sponsored a provision to provide assistance to farmers who want to convert to organic farming.
    • Supported provisions to keep open all Farm Service Agency offices and implement Country-of-Origin Labeling.
  • Passed the 2007 Energy Bill.
    • Supported provisions requiring the use of more biofuels, higher mileage standards and more energy-efficient buildings.
    • Sponsored a provision to have the government assess the potential of all geothermal resources in the country.
  • Hosted a delegation from Iceland to tour Montana's geothermal resources.
  • Cosponsored and voted for $10.8 billion in Amtrak funding for 2008-2012.
    • Sponsored an amendment to require Amtrak to evaluate whether to restore service to southern Montana while maintaining the northern route.


  • Toured water development projects across the Hi-Line, working with local communities as well as the Blackfeet, Ft. Belknap and Fort Peck Nations to find solutions to water issues.
  • With Sen. Baucus, demanded that U.S. officials have a seat at the table when British Columbia discusses the possibility of opening the Canada's Upper Flathead Basin to mining and drilling.
  • With Wyoming's delegation, cosponsored legislation to expedite payments of Abandoned Mine Land funds to states (Montana is due to receive $58 million).


  • Supported the College Cost Reduction and Access Act, which increases the maximum Pell grant and halves rates on federal student loans.
  • Hosted Montana education leaders for a meeting in Washington with Education Secretary Margaret Spellings to discuss the No Child Left Behind Act.


  • Co-hosted a free public investment forum in Billings and Kalispell.
  • Took part in a hearing to investigate unfair interest rate increases for credit card holders who pay their bills on time.
  • Introduced legislation amending the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit creditors from using adverse information such as a credit score as a reason to raise interest rates.
  • Twice joined colleagues on the Banking Committee in writing to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, encouraging the Fed to take action under existing law to protect homeowners from the housing crisis.


  • Held a statewide Tribal College Summit to discuss improving tribal education in Indian Country.
    • Introduced legislation called The PATH, which encourages tribal colleges to promote health-related education and train American Indians to join the health-related workforce.
  • Held an official field hearing of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on rural Indian health care with Chairman Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.).


  • Became the first U.S. Senator to post his daily schedule online.
  • Opened eight field offices across Montana.
  • Enacted the most sweeping ethics reform legislation since the Watergate scandal.
  • Raised the federal minimum wage for 68,000 Montanans, 15 million Americans.