United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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Candidates who have received appointments in previous years had an average SAT score of 570 verbal, 665 math. ACT score averages were 24 verbal and 30 math. SAT scores of 500 verbal and 550 math, are the minimum needed for candidates seeking an appointment. Minimum ACT scores are 21 verbal and 24 math. The highest SAT/ACT score will be used. The highest score may be taken from two different tests; therefore, to be competitive, the candidate is encouraged to retest one or more times. Students should rank in the upper 40 per cent of their class; however, most cadets are ranked in the upper ten percent.

For applications contact: Director of Admissions, Colorado Springs, CO 80840-5651. Phone: (719) 472-2520

The average SAT scores for midshipmen in attendance are 535 verbal and 586 math. ACT averages are 23 verbal and 28 math. Minimum SAT scores are 400 verbal and 500 math. ACT minimums are 19 verbal and 25 math. Most midshipmen rank in the upper 40 percent of their high school class.

For applications contact: Admissions Office, 300 Steamboat Road, Kings Point, NY 11024-1699. Phone: (800) 732-6267.

The average SAT scores of previous years are 560 verbal, 640 math. ACT averages are 24 verbal and 29 math. Minimum SAT scores are 480 verbal, 510 math; minimum ACT scores are 21 verbal and 23 math. The highest SAT/ACT score will be used and may be taken from two different tests. Eighty-five percent of the cadets are from the top twenty percent of their high school class.

For applications contact: Director of Admissions, West Point, NY 10996-1797. Phone: (914) 938-4041.

 U.S. NAVAL ACADEMY "Annapolis"
Previous classes at the Naval Academy have been composed of midshipmen with mean aptitude scores of 588 verbal and 667 math. ACT scores have averaged 26 verbal and 31 math. Normal SAT qualifying levels are 520 verbal and 600 math. ACT qualifying levels are 23 verbal and 28 math. The USNA averages all aptitude tests taken from January of the junior year in high school. Eighty three percent of the midshipmen are from the top twenty percent of their high school class.

For applications contact: Director of Candidate Guidance, Annapolis, MD 21402-5019. Phone: (800) 638-9156 or (410) 293-4361.

Congressional nominations are not required for appointment to the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. It is a direct appointment process on a best-qualified basis. Applicants must contact the academy directly between July 1st and December 15th prior to entrance the following June.

For applications contact: Director of Admissions, 15 Mohegan Ave., New London, CT 06320-4195. Phone: (800) 883-USCG.
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