U.S. Congressman Jeff Miller - Florida's First District
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Miller Newsletter
Prescription Drug Program Information
Student Corner
Laws may be initiated in either chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives or the Senate. Click here for an example tracking a bill introduced in the House of Representatives.
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government - This site provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents, and teachers. These resources will teach how our government works, the use of the primary source materials of U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) Access, and how one can use GPO Access to carry out their civic responsibilities.
U.S. House of Representatives - Part of the legislative branch and vests power to start laws that make people pay taxes. Decide if a government official should be put on trial before the Senate if they commit a crime against the country.
U.S. Senate - Part of the legislative branch and vests power to approve treaties the president makes, and to any people the president recommends for jobs, such as cabinet officers, Supreme Court justices, and ambassadors. Can also hold a trial for a government official who commits a crime against the country.
U.S. President - The President is responsible for enforcing the laws of the United States.
U.S. Supreme Court - This is the highest court in the United States and vested with the judicial powers of the government.
2008 Congressional Art Competition
Barney Bush Cam
Ben's Guide to the Government
Department of Justice Kids
FBI Kids
Junior Secret Service Program
McGruff -- The Crime Dog
Nasa Kids
Smokey the Bear Kids Page
The Congressional Award
Treasury Kids
VA Kids
Veterans History Project
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