United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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Miller Named Hero of the Taxpayer
February 13, 2004
Congressman Jeff Miller (R-Fl-01) was awarded the "Hero of the Taxpayer" award by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). This is the third straight year Miller received the honor from ATR.

In order to receive this award, members of Congress must consistently vote with and represent the interests of American taxpayers. ATR records the way the members vote on the eighteen most important bills and issues for taxpayers across the country. Critical votes include permanent Death Tax repeal , the 2003 tax relief plan that reduced tax rates on capital gains and dividend income, and the school choice plan for the District of Columbia .

Winners of this award must vote in the interest of American taxpayers at least 85% of the time.

"Mr. Smith comes to Washington and the first thing he must decide is whether to vote with the taxpayers or the spending lobbies who want to steal their money," said taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist, who heads ATR in Washington . "Taxpayers have Congressman Miller on their side. Now it's time to elect more to strengthen the side of the taxpayer."

Members of Congress may also receive 10 percentage points for signing ATR's Taxpayer Protection Pledge, a written promise from candidates and elected officials to taxpayers to oppose efforts to increase taxes. Currently, 217 members of the U.S. House, 42 U.S. Senators and President George W. Bush have signed the Pledge.

"I'm humbled to be recognized by ATR. They are one of the strongest taxpayer advocates in the nation," Miller said. "I will continue to work hard to help families keep more of their money in their budget and out of the hands of tax and spend politicians in Washington."

ATR has issued its congressional scorecard since 1994, and has granted its awards annually since then. A complete list of Hero of the Taxpayer award recipients, as well as a complete list of votes ATR considered for the awards and their respective explanations, can be viewed on ATR's website at: http://www.atr.org/ratings/108thcongress1st/awards.htm

Americans for Tax Reform is a non-partisan coalition of taxpayers and taxpayer groups who oppose all federal and state tax increases. For more information or to arrange an interview please contact Jonathan Collegio at (202) 785-0266 or by email at jcollegio@atr.org.
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