News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

Snohomish County: Senator Murray Adds $6.95 Million for Transportation and Community Investments in Snohomish County

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, July 12, 2007

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) announced that she has included $6.95 million in a Senate bill to support transportation and community investments in Snohomish County.  Murray's funding will help expand the Everett Senior Activities Center, build a new freight access road in Granite Falls, purchase new buses for Community Transit and for Everett Transit, and improve the I-5 interchange at 116th Street.

Murray used her position as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies to add the Snohomish County funding to the FY 2008 appropriations bill that funds the federal Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development.  

The bill passed the full Senate Appropriations Committee today and will next be taken up on the Senate floor. A date for the floor debate has not been set yet.

Funding for Snohomish County Includes:

Everett Senior Activities Center Expansion - $600,000

This funding will support the City's expansion of the Everett Senior Activities Center, which serves about 3,900 seniors from Everett and the surrounding communities.  The funding will support a new elevator to improve access for the disabled.  It will also expand and upgrade the kitchen, so that the center can continue to meet the nutritional needs of seniors in the area.  Many of the center's users are low-income seniors, who rely on the center's subsidized meals as their only reliable meal each day. The kitchen provides Title III C Nutritional Meals for the Center through a daily lunch and once-a-week dinners to seniors from throughout the region.  The City of Everett subsidizes one-third of the cost of each meal.

Senator Murray has been working closely with community leaders and city officials for several years to fund the project.

"Funding for the Everett Senior Center Activity Center expansion, announced today by Senator Patty Murray, will directly improve the quality of life for hundreds of seniors in the Everett and Snohomish County," Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson said.  

"This investment shows that we value our seniors, and we're going to meet their needs," Murray said.

Granite Falls – Freight Access Project – $1.5 million

This funding will help construct a two-lane, 2.1 mile alternate route for gravel and log trucks moving through Granite Falls.  The project will improve freight mobility, reduce congestion, and improve safety for cars and pedestrians.

"I'm pleased to support an alternate route that will reduce congestion and improve safety downtown while also speeding the movement of freight throughout our region," Murray said.

U.S. Highway 2 Safety Improvements -- $500,000

This funding will enable the Washington State Department of Transportation to make urgently needed safety improvements to U.S. Highway 2. Improvements will be made to guard rails, centerline rumble strips, and left-turn pockets along U.S. 2 between Snohomish and the Skykomish. U.S. Highway 2 is one of the most dangerous stretches of highway in Washington state, accidents there have claimed the lives of more than 40 people since 1999. 

Community Transit- Bus Replacement – $1.5 million

This funding will help Community Transit purchase new buses to replace buses that have exceeded their useful life.

Everett Transit - Vehicle Replacement - $600,000

This funding will help the City of Everett replace three old, high-mileage diesel buses with new ultra-clean, diesel-electric hybrid buses for more reliable service and environmentally-friendly operation.

I-5 and 116th Street NE Interchange Improvement Project, Tulalip Tribes -- $1.5 million

This project will make needed improvements to the interchange of I-5 at 116th street NE on the Tulalip Tribes Reservation.  The project will improve safety and reduce traffic backups on I-5.  Senator Murray has secured $4 million for the project in previous years.

Advanced Manufacturing in Materials Innovation Center -- $750,000

This funding will allow continued composites research and training at the AMMIC center at Edmonds Community College. The center performs cutting edge composites research, testing and worker training.  In fact, the center trains Boeing workers so that they are proficient in working on the new Boeing 787.  This funding is absolutely critical to the research and testing done at AMMIC and especially to Boeing mechanics now that the 787 has come on-line.
