United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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Medicare/Prescription Drugs

Congress needs to figure out how to keep the promises we have already made to current and future generations before making a new promise of a drug benefit. The latest attempt at a prescription drug bill simply created a new federal entitlement program, without significant reforms to curb Meciare's current course toward bankruptcy. This would do nothing but multiply the cost of the Medicare program and place an unbearable burden for future generations.

It is important that Congress help seniors in need of receiving drugs while avoiding the creation of a new, unaffordable government program. We shouldn’t be playing politics with the future of older Americans and we shouldn’t have to bust the budget to get a prescription drug bill passed. A proposal, based on the Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan, will create a system allowing seniors the same flexibility that Members of Congress enjoy.

Currently, seniors and disabled Americans in Medicare without drug coverage are able to enroll in a Medicare-approved plan for a $35 monthly premium that will cut their yearly drug costs roughly in half. This new drug benefit will directly benefit the 12 million low-income seniors in this nation and it will directly help every senior who chooses to participate to save money.

Most recently, I voted in favor of legislation that requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to negotiate with drug companies a lower drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries. Why shouldn’t the largest purchaser of prescription drugs have negotiating power? As you may remember, I did not vote for the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) of 2003, and since then I have added my name as a cosponsor of several pieces of legislation to amend or delay certain provisions of the bill. The Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act was an opportunity to make positive amends to the MMA, allowing both taxpayers and Medicare patients to save more money. The purchasing power of 43 million Medicare beneficiaries will certainly lower the cost of prescription drugs.

To see more information on Medicare, please click here.

For assistance or more information on Medicare please call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) or visit their website at www.medicare.gov. Or contact my office at (202) 225-4136.

For providers, Medicare physician pay cuts are a very real and serious issue to address in Congress. Between 2006 and 2013, physicians’ costs are expected to rise by 19 percent and Medicare payments are scheduled to decrease by 31 percent. I recognize the urgency of rectifying this situation and am a cosponsor of legislation to make the necessary changes. I am a cosponsor of Rep. Shaw’s Preserving Patient Access to Physicians Act, which eliminates the sustainable growth rate payment update system and establishes in its place an update to the single conversion factor for 2006 of at least 2.7 percent, and a formula for an update to the single conversion factor for years beginning with 2007. I am working hard to ensure that our patients have quality access to care that they need and deserve.

Related Press Releases
02/07/2008 - Miller Speaks on Need for Medicare Reform
Related Speeches
02/06/2008 - Medicare Entitlement Reform
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